Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jesus Christ is the door. There is no other way to union with God. To wade through the debris and brambles, I need more light. More light, more understanding.

My job is to be a bridge, an evangelist, a reconciler of God and men(mankind). So in order to do this, I need to understand the Divine Intention - God in Christ reconciling the world (all of humanity) to Himself.

John 10:18 Authority comes from a commandment, an injunction. Authority is never unattached. It is always given for a purpose and that is connected to an order or job. This authority I do this or that. Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-19: All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to ME,.... going then, make disciples. His authority is also our authority to make disciples etc. In this we operate in His authority.

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