Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romans 1:1

Romans 1:1

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an Apostle, separated unto the gospel of God…

1. Doulos (1401) 

What Paul is: a servant of Jesus Christ. This is what all disciples are supposed to be. We are all equal in this. We are all servants of Jesus Christ first and foremost. As a human He came to serve. Phil 2:7. He served His Father’s purpose and will, and serves humanity, is church, His disciples.(Luke13)HisHis church, His disciples. (Luke13)

We are to serve as slaves to one another in love. Gal 5:13. Ministry is correctly called “service”. Service to a King: It is similar to military service. All humans serve someone or something.

Phil 1:1, Eph 6:6, Gal 1:10, I Cor 7:22b, Col 4:12, James 1:1, 2 Pet 1:1

2. Called to be an Apostle.

No-one calls themselves. A calling is always received. A calling comes from somewhere, usually from a higher authority. In the days of compulsory military service, one was “called’ into duty.

God also calls people to serve. This is a calling: a call one can answer and obey or run from. It never goes away. Paul said that ought has been laid on him. A calling will nag you until you do it.

There is heavenly calling. We are all called to be reconcilers between God and men. We are called to be vessels of His light.  We are called to be saints, to show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His glorious light.

Kalleo(2564) to call, to invite, to summons
Kletos(2822) called, invited.
Rom 1:7, Matt 20:16, Matt22:14, Rom 1:6-7 and Rom 8:28, Rom 11:29, I Cor 1:1-2 and 24-26, Jude 1, Rev 17:14, Eph 1:18, 4:4, Phil 3:14, 2Thess 1:11, 2 Tim 1:9, Heb 3:1, 2 peter 1:10

3. Separated, sanctified and set apart.

Aphartizo (873) “to mark of by bounds”, “to determine a limit”

This means that Paul was chosen, selected for a specific task. A chosen vessel: many are called, few are chosen. This cost at least a “yes” on our side. In military terms this is a special opp’s group. They are special to the task and chosen to a specific duty.

Psalms 4:3, Acts13:2, Gal 1:15, Acts 9:15, I Cor 4:9, I Cor 12:28 - 30, Romans 12.

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