Thursday, November 10, 2011


Any addiction originates from a spirit of manipulation and control or Biblically speaking from a spirit of witchcraft. It manipulates and controls the victim and anyone around them.

Witchcraft murders its victims. It uses the victim and abuses the victim. Witchcraft is an insidious monst
er. It comes with lies, deceit and steals the potential, the God-given, God-designed purpose. Witchcraft destroys the victim, the family, nation, generation and culture.

The Bible says: Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. In the 60’s there was a huge spirit of rebellion released. It resulted in, amongst other things, a spirit of witchcraft being released upon an entire generation. This manifested in addiction of all shapes and sizes. It brought an evil anointing with it that easily moved by using the medium of the music.

The manipulation and control seeped into every area of society. Witchcraft manifested in business (advertising using sex etc.), in family relations (free sex, abortions etc), in politics (legislation for selfish reasons, abortion, ungodly laws), education ( no God and prayer in schools etc), the arts ( perversion as art etc), science (twisting facts to prove evil ex: abortion) and religion. From the 60’s we got the very popular and famous musicians, artist possessed by a spirit that used them and the lives around them. We also have from the 60’s great business people who seemed to have a supernatural ability to make people buy their products. We have movie masters, writers who have a cult-following. From the 60’s came an educational philosophy that is breaking down character, values and anything that is remotely righteous and Godly. From the 60’s we also got the great charlatans of religion. New Age was not even an idea before the 60’s and until Yoko Ono most people never even heard of a “guru”. This did not spare the church. Even in Christianity we have a “New Gospel”. The true Gospel was manipulated and twisted until “getting-rich-and-famous” was heaven and “self” was the idol to whom we bow. More deception and false doctrine flooded the earth than ever before.

(Article in the Washington Post April 2012 Note the paragraph about America's individualism towards the end.

God did NOT give us a spirit of fear, witchcraft manipulates through fear. God gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, lead and guide. Witchcraft offers a false comfort, lies as wisdom, drives instead of leading and deception as guidance. God calls us to a life of self-sacrifice and giving-love, Agape. Witchcraft uses the self as idol, as god to whom all and for whom all are sacrificed. Witchcraft fashions a self-pity that often culminates in suicide since the victim looses touch with humanity. It cuts the victim of from normal, Godly relationships and isolates the victim in order to destroy. Witchcraft is always abusive. Our language agrees. We say: “He abuses alcohol or he abuses drugs” etc.

The only remedy for addiction/witchcraft is deliverance. Give this spirit sympathy or pity and it will rob you. It will take and take and take until it takes your last breath and then it will continue to steal your legacy.

Deliverance begins when the deception is broken, when the victim sees, realizes that they are trapped. This is the first step in AA and NA: to admit that you have a problem. There cannot be a lasting, permanent solution until the victim also sees, realizes that they are trapped in the net of witchcraft. Addicts are some of the most devious, manipulating people; the character and manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft. The more attention, sympathy, anything is given, the more this evil spirit will demand.

Second, the victim has to see, realize this addiction, witchcraft as his or her enemy. Addiction comes like a voluptuous, comforting, ego-boosting whore, leading men astray with promises of pleasure, comfort, and power. But like the Bible says in the book of Proverbs, they are soon cast into Sheol, hell. Until the victim hates this ugly, mean, vicious spirit there can be no deliverance.

Because of the deceptive nature of this spirit of witchcraft, it will often pretend to be gone. An addict will have to try again and again and again and again to be free from it. All the self-help, therapy, and AA/NA is just a band-aid; a remedy to stop the bleeding long enough to deal with underlying issues but it is not a lasting solution. The only lasting solution is deliverance.

The spirit of witchcraft has to be expelled from the victim. A divorce has to be issued and the contracts, covenants destroyed. This cannot happen without the victims consent and agreement.

Aside from the blood of Jesus, aside from the power of His Name, aside from the victory in Jesus, there is no overcoming this spirit.


Hosea 4:11

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

 "Harlotry, wine, and new wine (or any substance)enslave the heart.
2Chronicles 33:6And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

Galatians 5:20

1Samuel 15:23

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, ... they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry.

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