Thursday, September 09, 2010

There Are Only Two Kinds of People...  Marietjie Chase

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, And let those who hate Him flee before Him.

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; As wax melts before the fire, So let the wicked perish before God.
But let the righteous be glad; let them exult before God; Yes, let them rejoice with gladness. Ps 68:1-3

God has always made a distinction between the righteous and the evil. He does not change. The way He deals with people has not changed. What has changed is that Jesus took all the wrath of God for those who trust in Him. Jesus became the lightning rod for God's wrath. He is an offering for sin, once and for all. He is the sacrifice for sin for all who believes in Him. He satisfied God's desire for punishment for sin once and for all, for those who believe in Him.

But for those who rejects Jesus as God's ultimate peace offering, there is no other sin sacrifice. For those who believe, there is an eternal inheritance and life in its fullness; but for those who do NOT believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, as the only way to relationship with God as Father and Lord, there remains the wrath of God. Those who choose to reject God's plan of salvation, of peace, of reconciliation, stands naked and unprotected in the full glare of the wrath of God. These are called the sons/daughters of disobedience who rebel against the love and will of God, to establish their own right standing, shouting as they go, that God is unfair, unrighteous and bad because He will not bow to their scheme of what is right, good and just.

There is still, and always will be two groups of people before God: The good and the evil/sinful.

Those who enter into a relationship, a life-exchange, with Jesus Christ; become the good and that not of themselves or their own deeds but because of what He has done.

Heb10:26-31; Romans 1:18-2:8; John 3:36; Malachi 3:18

All other distinctions disappear and are unimportant in the light of eternity. There is no race, no age or gender distinction before God. There is no separate plan of salvation for a race, gender, or age group. There is only ONE plan of salvation, only ONE Savior Jesus Christ who is the door, the gate, the mediator between God and all humans, past, present and future.

What this means practically is that we can only view people as saved and unsaved.
When we relate to an unsaved person we are relating to someone who has yet to come alive into the LIFE of Jesus Christ. We are to pray for them, be kind to them and be Jesus Christ with some skin on for them. We may be the only link they have to bring them to Jesus Christ. We also have to accept and expect to be misunderstood by them. Can the living have intimate relationship with the dead?? Can the natural mind comprehend the spiritual?? What fellowship have light with darkness?? These two will never agree.

Unsaved people are NOT our enemies. They can only become our enemies when they set themselves up as enemies of God. When they openly reject and oppose and malign God and His Christ, they become our enemies and the Bible are very clear about how we ought to behave toward our enemies and the enemies of God.

Psalms 66:3, Psalms 68:1 & 21, Nahum 1:2, Romans 5:10, James 4:4, Philipians 3:18.
2 Thesselonians 3:14-15, Matthew 5:43-45, Luke 6:27 and 35, Romans 12:20, Colosians 1:21,

When we relate to saved people, we are required by God to love one another. Does that mean that we are always going to get along?? Not necessarily. But we can never be one another's enemy's. We are part of one another. We may disagree in a million ways, we may frustrate and irritate one another, but we can never hate one another. We cannot be enemies. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of one body, the Body of Jesus Christ. We have one Father, One Savior, One King and are all going to the same Heaven. We may as well get over it and learn to bear with one another.

Matthew 18, John 13, Romans 12,Ephesians 4, Galatians 5, Colosians 3, 1 Thesselonians 5, Hebrews 10, James 5, I Peter 4, I John 4

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