Call a taxi and lose his number.
If he orders for you, chooses your clothes and insists on your style be identical to his wishes... if he always have to do what he wants, watch what he wants and visit his friends... when he disrespects your friends and make it unpleasant for all, if you do drag him there.... if his opinion about decorating and style has to be met. Then you have a controller on your hands. He will strangle the life out of you. And you will never escape... if not now.
Run Girl! Block his number. Erase his pictures!

If he pitches a fit like a two year old when he does not get his way, when everything he does for you has strings attached and will come back as a demand for something else, when he is nice to you, your family or your friends and later demands his way in return... He is a manipulator, very cunning and will erode your trust in humanity. You will never have a life of your own with him. He will conn you out of everything that is good and healthy.
Run girl! Hide until you can think straight.
When his thoughts are always better than anybody else's. When he has to find fault with what others do or say... when he has to frown on your efforts, mock your hobby or career... when he minimizes and despise your life. He has an inferiority complex. He will always be swayed by where and with whom he can get his ego stroked. He will be unpredictable and erratic. You will long for peace and tranquility.
Run girl! Run!
When he cannot stand pets and hates little kids... when he enjoys retelling stories of his abusing, beating, someone... when the only movies he would watch are filled with gross violence... when he enjoys the killing of animals and smirks about people's pain.
You have an abuser by the hand. He will take your heart and stomp on it. He will abuse, dehumanizing and assault you.
Run, lady, run! Run while you still can.
When he complains about his job non-stop and his days off is spend laying around doing as little as possible. When he expects to be waited on and you discover that his mother always waited on him. When he expend so little energy that you have to do it for him... You have a child, a spoiled child, a Bonsai of a man. He will never take responsibility. You will have to "mommy" him because he does not see himself as an adult.
So, Run lady, run!
When his head is held high and his mind is made up so that you cannot even discuss an issue.... when he blows cold air on any other person's thoughts and often do not even listen.... when he seldom to never compliment anybody and are nicer to strangers than his own. He is arrogant and full of pride. He will treat you like a queen in public but you will suffer in private. He will humiliate you in the most creative ways.
RUN!! Run girl, run! Save yourself. Put some distance between you. Block his number!
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