In the Church - the Greater Global Church - we run around with our labels and categorize our brothers and sisters. Looking from a human perspective we make all sorts of judgements or rather; condemnations. We major on the minors. We bite and devour one another. "Love covers a multitude of sin" scripture says, but we strive to be right rather than to love. We ignore what Jesus said.
For those who feels the need to judge, condemn and reject people for whom Jesus paid His life and who may love Him and serve Him; here are a few points to consider:
It Is God's Church. He is well able. to manage it.
We resemble Absalom in his anger over the rape of his sister. We judge our Father apathetic and incompetent, taking matters in our own hands or mouths. We decide that someone is a heretic or demon possessed with no solid evidence. In the first century church when Paul went to preach to the gentiles, there was a matter concerning circumcision and obeying the law of Moses. They came together in Jerusalem and talked things through. They did not call one another names and dis-fellowship one another.
We may not know all the facts.
This may come as a shock to some, but really, we may truly not have all the facts. Our understanding of a situation depends largely upon the information we have or do not have. When the leaders. of a congregations makes decisions concerning everyone, it is often with knowledge gained through counseling or confidential conversation. There are always some person, mis-informed, who questions the decisions.
Only God has all knowledge and understanding. He is the only righteous judge. We have to have our words and actions submitted to His Holy Spirit. The crazy camel-haired, desert-dwelling, homeless man, may be in truth a prophet of God.
God deals with His own without our permission.
Consider these men whom God used mightily:
Moses was a murderer, yet God never mentioned it. Abram lied about his wife and cowardly sacrificed her to save his own skin. David had five or six wives, one stolen from another man, an his household was out of order. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived could not resist a pretty woman and his wives eventually led him into idolatry. Hosea was commanded by God to marry a prostitute. Nehemiah, Peter a d Paul had problems with their tempers. Jeremiah and Solomon both suffered with bouts of depression. And the list goes on and on. Recent church history tells many tales of flawed men and women used mightily by God. The fact is that our opinion matters little.
We should and can pray for those whom we see straying from the clear Biblical path. We can call attention to their actions, teachings or doctrine, but we ought to have some fear at making condemning judgements on the people of God. We must have discernment for our own sake. But when we divide the Church of Jesus Christ into "us" and "them", we are in error. We are one. Both Daniel and Nehemiah included themselves in the repentant intercession for Israel although they were personally and individually innocent.
Maybe, just maybe....
Maybe what seems like heresy is just a blossoming prophet trying to get it right. Remember the goof-ups of our own youth and zeal, when wisdom was lacking.
Maybe the uneasiness we feel is due to our own issues, secret sins, fear of losing position or control, competitive attitude, inadequacy or feelings of inferiority.
Maybe this person was sent by God not for you to set straight, but so that you may be polished by them. These rough edges will not be made smooth by a sweet gentle cloth.
Maybe the situation and people are an answer to prayer. We often ask God or make promises to Him without actually knowing what we are talking about. Peter stated that he will never deny Jesus but before the sun was up the next day, he had to eat his words. We ask for patience, God gives us tribulations. We promise full surrender, God send horrible people who tempt us to take matters in our own hands. We declare our undying love and devotion to God and He brings us the most annoying and arrogant people to love.
Let love cover a multitude of sins. It is almost impossible to truly pray and intercede for someone while running a smear campaign against them. If we can't bring ourselves to pray then at least stop adding to the negative flow of words and be quiet.
Focus on serving God and let Him deal with His own household.
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