Jesus died for the whole human – : spirit, soul and body. The fact that He is the last ultimate sin-sacrifice is readily accepted in Christian circles. By Him we have access to the Father, forgiveness of sin and redemption. Few Christians argue this and rightly so, for this is the essence of Christianity. Yet, Jesus also bled and died to free us from the harassment of the enemy. We also receive freedom from sickness, disease, demonic possession, lack and all kinds of dysfunction.
The scripture bears out that we are healed by His stripes, that when we are sick we pray, lay hands on the sick and they recover, that He is the Lord our Healer. Yet some argue that there is some spiritual benefit in sickness and dysfunction. This would be like saying a little sin will do you good.
The same blood that washed away your sins, is the same blood that was spilled for the healing of sickness, illness, disease. You would never, should never, embrace and accept sin, why embrace sickness?
It is as much a slap in Jesus’ face to suggest His work of redemption incomplete, than negate-ting the fact of healing and health by the same sacrifice. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Some may say that sickness, illness, disease and dysfunction are from God. Yet, didn’t Jesus say that a kingdom divided against itself will not stand?
If Jesus healed the sick, if Jesus gave us a mandate to lay hands on the sick in His name, if the scriptures clearly say that He is our Healer; then why do we embrace physical ailments as if it is our friend? Why don’t we resist and fight it like we do with other temptations? There is not much of a difference. We seem to be willing to speak about sickness more readily than sin and other temptations. Yet, Jesus paid for all of it equally and all comes from the same source. Sickness and sin are often interconnected and at times cause one another. 
It is a total, complete redemption of a total, complete human. Nothing was and is excluded. When Jesus said: “It is finish”, it was indeed finished. We cannot add to it - generally agreed – and neither can we subtract from it.
Isn’t it time we receive the entire salvation? Isn’t it time we receive the total Savior, the one who redeemed body, soul- mind will and emotions – and spirit, by paying the complete price of redemption. He gave it all. How dare we pick and choose which part we would like to receive?
1John 3:8, James 5:14-15, Matt 8:16, Luke 10:9, Matt 10:8, Mark 16, Psalms 103:3, James 4:7, Psalms 147:3, Eph 6:13, 1 Peter 5:9, Matt 10:1, John 9:3 Luke 4:18
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