Basics for Ambassadors
Our response, our responsibility, as a fellowship of believers is twofold. We have a responsibility and covenant, (contract, agreement) toward God and toward people. This is often referred to as our vertical and horizontal relationships. The first is the vertical, towards God. If we have a solid relationship towards God and if we are on a solid foundation with God then the horizontal relationship toward people will also be balanced. We cannot neglect our responsibility in either direction. 1 John 3:23
Our relationship toward God is threefold. We relate to God through Prayer, Worship and the Word. These are the three pillars of any congregation or individual relationship between God and human.
PRAYER: Prayer has many facets, parts and expressions: Prayer, supplication, asking, requests, intercession, thanksgiving, and even silent prayer. We approach God the Father, through Jesus Christ, - through His Name which means all that He is and has done and is doing – by the power, ability and help of the Holy Spirit. There are a multitude of recorded prayers in the Bible. The Psalms are full of prayers, hearts poured out before God and many of the prophets recorded their prayers. The Apostle Paul in his epistles, letters, writes down how he prays for the people. Jesus gave us the model prayer in what is now popularly called “The Lord’s Prayer” but He also prayed a few other times. He prayed a very short powerful prayer at the tomb of Lazarus, in Gethsemane and in John 17 He intercedes for the disciples and us. We are commanded to pray without ceasing. – 1 Thess. 5:17- and to pray at all times in Ephesians 6:8. This means that you are in constant communication with God, not in a formatted, formal way, but being aware of Him and His influence in every area of your life, whispering a prayer, a thanksgiving, a simple request. 1Ki 8:28, Psalm 55:1, Phil 4:6, Col 4:2, John 16:26, Rom 8:26,27 and 34
WORSHIP: Worship includes, praise, thanksgiving, dancing, art, clapping hands, making noise, silence, music in all forms, adoration… and so much more. Worship is ALWAYS directed, focused, toward God, in three persons, Father God, Jesus Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It is never with the motive to attract attention to ourselves or our worship. It is an offering, an exhibition, an action directed towards God and for Him. It is like the Old Testament sacrifices and burnt offerings a sacrifice to God only. This refer to the part of our “worship”, lifestyle of serving God, that has to do with giving God honor, adoration, exaltation, thanksgiving, exaltation and generally celebrating who and what He is. The Psalms are full of examples of this. The entire Bible is full of proclaiming how awesome and wonderful God is. We see in Revelations 13 that worship will be carried through into eternity. Worship is also a continual thing. We can keep God in high regard in our hearts so that we give thanks, praise and adoration at all times. This is our responsibility but also our love offering to Him. Gen. 22:5, Psalms 29:2, 66:4, 95:6, 99, 150, Acts 16:25, Romans 12:1, Phil. 3:3, Heb. 13:15.
WORD: With “word” we refer to the communication from God to us. We have the Bible, God’s inspired written word, 66 books in one volume. We have the responsibility to get very acquainted with it. We cannot call ourselves Children of the Most High God and not even know His Book. This book of the law, of the words of God and His dealings with His own shall not depart from us. We shall speak of it when we are walking, driving on the road, when we sit down to eat, when we go to sleep at night. It is to be our constant companion and should be buried in our hearts so that we may keep from sinning against God. It should be in our hearts and hands so that we may know how to choose, to discern good and evil, right from wrong. We are given a plumb-line, a measuring stick, something to hold all things that comes our way against, so that we may know how to live in a pleasing manner before God. We cannot exclude other ways that God uses to communicate with us, through other Christians speaking, preaching, prophecy-ing to us, or even through dreams and visions. These are all mentioned in the Bible. But it cannot contradict the Bible. Many interpretations of scripture exist and of this there is much to say. Let it suffice with this: It is a thick book. Take the whole counsel of God in consideration. Whatever way God communicates to us, it is our responsibility to hear, - to discern His voice – and to obey Him. Ps119, Joshua 1:8, Luke 8:21, John 10:35, Col 3:16, 2 Tim. 3:16, Hebrews 4:12
Our relationship towards People can be divided into two groups. There are only two groups of people in the world: those who love, obey and follow God, who has given their lives to Him and received Jesus as Lord and Savior and those who stubbornly refuse to bow before the God and creator of all. We have the saved and unsaved, the saints and sinners, the children of God and the children of wrath, disobedience. The Bible makes this distinction and so should we. Mark 4:11, 1 Cor. 5:13, James 1:27& 4:4, 2 Peter 1:4, 1John 4 and 5
Our first and foremost responsibility towards those who are in the world, unbelievers are to bring the message of reconciliation between God and man. We are all messengers of hope, of a better way of a God who loved this whole world, everyone so much that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, Jesus Christ the Lord, to pay the penalty, punishment for all our sin. By this an opening, door, way was made for humans to have a relationship with God the Father. We are always to be ready to lead someone to repentance, to agreeing with God, to see the offense our rebellion towards God really is. This is our primary responsibility towards all humans.
We are His hand extended to minister healing and deliverance in the process of bringing salvation to all people. We introduce them to a God who is both love and holy, both forgiving and just. Ps 9:8, John 3:16, 2Cor. 5:18 &19, Eph 1:13, Romans 3:23, Romans 10
BELIEVERS, Children of God.

Those who call upon the Name of Jesus are saved. Those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are born into the Kingdom of God and He gives them the right, the authority to be called children of God. All believers have a ministry of bringing sinners to salvation and also to help one another along the way in our path to maturity in God’s kingdom by encouraging one another, loving one another, laying our lives down for one another. The Bible says to do good to all but especially and first to the household of God. Gal 6:10. There are a whole lot of scriptures about how we are to behave toward one another. In all this we ought to remember that God is the Father of us all and He is well able to take care of His own household. Romans 15:14, Gal. 5:13, 6:2, Eph.4:32, Phil 2:3, 5:19 & 211 Thess. 5:15, Heb. 3:13, Heb. 10:25, James 4:11, 5:16, 1Peter 2:2, 1Peter 4, 1 John 4:7 &11,