Absalom and David by Marietjie Chase
( 2 Samuel 13, 14:21-15:37 and 2 Samuel 16:15 - 18:18)
There is something about the spirit and attitude of Absalom that resides in us all. We get incensed, offended at injustice. We want to punish the guilty and comfort the victim. Yet, in this very appropriate sense of justice, we need to remember that we cannot judge 100% rightly. God is the only one who knows the heart.
Absalom waited for David to punish Amnon for the rape of his sister, Tamar, but David did nothing. He did not even as much as comforted the victim. He just continued with business as usual. Absalom's furry at this compilation of injustice burned, seethed inside of him until, he exacted the punishment he deemed appropriate.
It could be that this incident and the resulting punishment that David heaped upon Absalom, for the murder of his brother, caused the son to rebel against his father. ( 2Samuel15) This could have been the grounds for Absalom's judgement of David. A judgement that resulted in the conclusion that he, himself, will make a better, more righteous and fair king than David.
We all can bring to mind times and cases when we did not feel like justice were served. There was no punishment to fit the crime. We spoke against the judges, the criminal justice system and even at times against God.
What does the Bible say that we need to do? When you see your brother sin , pray for him. 1 John 5:16 Do not judge, for with the same measure you judge, you will be judged also. Matthew7:1-6. Every one fall or stand to his own master, and in many instances this is God. Romans 14:4-12. When a brother sin against you, go and talk to him. Matthew 18:15-20. ( Also see: Galatians 6:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11)
God, sometimes, seem to take too long to punish the wicked. (2Peter 3:9) We want the wrong righted now and NOT in His time. Do we forget the mercy and grace of God? Do we forget that He desires all to come to repentance and in true relationship with Him? 2Peter 2:9, 1Cor 6:11
King David, a man after God's own heart, said of Absalom; even after the son's rebellion: " Be gentle with the boy". (2Samuel18:5) Could it be that the same God who loved us while we were still sinners and enemies of God, that same God loves these wicked sinners the same? (Ephesians 2:4-7) Could it be that His mercy and grace, His loving kindness is leading them to repentance as well? Romans 2:4
When we take offense at God's seeming inaction, we set ourselves up as judge even over God. ( 2 Peter 3:14-15. We step out of order, alignment and open ourselves up for the spirit of rebellion. This, the Bible calls witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23
Let us rather err on the side of mercy. Let us not become angry, hard hearted, crying out for vengeance, Rather, let us side with those who cry out for mercy. As Abraham, Genesis 18:17-33, and Moses, Exodus 33, also interceded before God, for a city and a nation full of rebellion and evil. Romans 12:21
In the words of Jesus:" Love your enemies. Pray for those who dispitefully use you, mistreat you. Bless those who curse you and say evil things about you. Do good to those who hate you." Luke 6:27-28
(PS. This is another chapter in the " Inside Out, Upside Down Kingdom")
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