Thursday, November 10, 2011


Any addiction originates from a spirit of manipulation and control or Biblically speaking from a spirit of witchcraft. It manipulates and controls the victim and anyone around them.

Witchcraft murders its victims. It uses the victim and abuses the victim. Witchcraft is an insidious monst
er. It comes with lies, deceit and steals the potential, the God-given, God-designed purpose. Witchcraft destroys the victim, the family, nation, generation and culture.

The Bible says: Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. In the 60’s there was a huge spirit of rebellion released. It resulted in, amongst other things, a spirit of witchcraft being released upon an entire generation. This manifested in addiction of all shapes and sizes. It brought an evil anointing with it that easily moved by using the medium of the music.

The manipulation and control seeped into every area of society. Witchcraft manifested in business (advertising using sex etc.), in family relations (free sex, abortions etc), in politics (legislation for selfish reasons, abortion, ungodly laws), education ( no God and prayer in schools etc), the arts ( perversion as art etc), science (twisting facts to prove evil ex: abortion) and religion. From the 60’s we got the very popular and famous musicians, artist possessed by a spirit that used them and the lives around them. We also have from the 60’s great business people who seemed to have a supernatural ability to make people buy their products. We have movie masters, writers who have a cult-following. From the 60’s came an educational philosophy that is breaking down character, values and anything that is remotely righteous and Godly. From the 60’s we also got the great charlatans of religion. New Age was not even an idea before the 60’s and until Yoko Ono most people never even heard of a “guru”. This did not spare the church. Even in Christianity we have a “New Gospel”. The true Gospel was manipulated and twisted until “getting-rich-and-famous” was heaven and “self” was the idol to whom we bow. More deception and false doctrine flooded the earth than ever before.

(Article in the Washington Post April 2012 Note the paragraph about America's individualism towards the end.

God did NOT give us a spirit of fear, witchcraft manipulates through fear. God gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, lead and guide. Witchcraft offers a false comfort, lies as wisdom, drives instead of leading and deception as guidance. God calls us to a life of self-sacrifice and giving-love, Agape. Witchcraft uses the self as idol, as god to whom all and for whom all are sacrificed. Witchcraft fashions a self-pity that often culminates in suicide since the victim looses touch with humanity. It cuts the victim of from normal, Godly relationships and isolates the victim in order to destroy. Witchcraft is always abusive. Our language agrees. We say: “He abuses alcohol or he abuses drugs” etc.

The only remedy for addiction/witchcraft is deliverance. Give this spirit sympathy or pity and it will rob you. It will take and take and take until it takes your last breath and then it will continue to steal your legacy.

Deliverance begins when the deception is broken, when the victim sees, realizes that they are trapped. This is the first step in AA and NA: to admit that you have a problem. There cannot be a lasting, permanent solution until the victim also sees, realizes that they are trapped in the net of witchcraft. Addicts are some of the most devious, manipulating people; the character and manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft. The more attention, sympathy, anything is given, the more this evil spirit will demand.

Second, the victim has to see, realize this addiction, witchcraft as his or her enemy. Addiction comes like a voluptuous, comforting, ego-boosting whore, leading men astray with promises of pleasure, comfort, and power. But like the Bible says in the book of Proverbs, they are soon cast into Sheol, hell. Until the victim hates this ugly, mean, vicious spirit there can be no deliverance.

Because of the deceptive nature of this spirit of witchcraft, it will often pretend to be gone. An addict will have to try again and again and again and again to be free from it. All the self-help, therapy, and AA/NA is just a band-aid; a remedy to stop the bleeding long enough to deal with underlying issues but it is not a lasting solution. The only lasting solution is deliverance.

The spirit of witchcraft has to be expelled from the victim. A divorce has to be issued and the contracts, covenants destroyed. This cannot happen without the victims consent and agreement.

Aside from the blood of Jesus, aside from the power of His Name, aside from the victory in Jesus, there is no overcoming this spirit.


Hosea 4:11

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

 "Harlotry, wine, and new wine (or any substance)enslave the heart.
2Chronicles 33:6And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.

Galatians 5:20

1Samuel 15:23

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, ... they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Judge Not  by Marietjie Chase

Yesterday I witnessed something in a bussiness setting that seemed to be a spiritual lesson.  An employee did something that was obviously not standard operating presedure. When the manager instructed the employee in the correct procedure, the response was: "Don't judge me!"

I found it a very odd response and could not help meditating on it for the rest of the day. Has that became the matra of the nation, the world, the church? Wrong and right has gone to the grave alongside logic and common sense. If there is no winners and losers, would we watch football? If all are winners and all are wonderful, what is the sense in a Nobel Prize or an Oscar or a Gold Olympic Medal? If there is no wrong or right, no judgement, then why have traffic rules or laws, for that matter?

There is judgement when you do wrong. There is praise when you do right. God wrote it in the Book, Nature bears it out and our own sense of justice inside of our being cries out for it. Our perception will change rather quickly when we are personally touched by injustice.

"Judge not, lest you be judged" the Bible says, but read the rest "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."  Our discernment on a matter ought to be Godly, Biblical and objective. It may be that a religious, condemning, judgemental spirit gave birth to a lawless, faithless, foolish generation.

When our judgement is based on assumption, personal taste and preferences, we have fleshly and even evil judgement. This could cause us to side with the accuser against a brother, a sister or a stranger. Since God is the only one who knows the heart, His judgement is the only true judgement. That is the reason the Bible calls us to judge actions, or fruit. Try the spirits by it's word's, it's fruit. Discern people's motives, hearts, spirits by their actions and words but then line it up with the Bible.

There are two great extremes in this matter.

One side are the "No Judgement" camp where all discernment is taboe and even the demons may be embraced. There is no negative, no dark shadows, only light, positives, a supposed blank page.

The other extreme are those who judges everything without fear that they may ascribe the deeds of God to the enemy. The harsh, negative, condescending, condemning attitude sucks the life out of everything.

Where is the balance? Where is God's true judgement in this? Can we bring back the fear of God, please! Could we all come to a fresh appreciation that we serve God and that He does not serve us or our agendas. Then we can begin to agree with God on matters. When God clearly calls something evil in the Bible: Agree with God! Example: murder, gluttony, slander, gossip - all evil, wrong, sin. And when God does not call something evil, let us be careful to pass our own ideas of as God's.
Even the Apostle Paul stumbled over this one.

Friday, September 09, 2011

by Marietjie Chase

A good friend of ours once said: When purpose is misunderstood, abuse is inevitable. This statement have endured because it is true.  Let's take a simple butter knife for an example. It is made for the purpose of spreading butter or aiding the fork in getting food in our mouths. It was not intended to double as a screwdriver, wedge, putty-knife or welding tool. It can be used for these jobs, but it will damage, break or destroy(kill) the butter knife. We need to find the original intent of it's creator to discern the purpose.

What is the original intent for creating human beings? Was man really made so that God could have something to take care of? Wouldn't that make God man's servant? Was man created so that God can have someone to be in relationship, fellowship with?  That would imply that God is somehow imperfect, not sovereign and not self-sustaining. So, why did God made man, humans?

God made man to show forth His glory. Man's purpose for being is to be to the praise of the Glory of God. In the New Testament the Bible says that the church, the Bride of Christ, the redeemed show forth the manifold wisdom of God to principalities and powers in accordance with the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus. God has a purpose, a design for making us. Eph 3:10-11

Rom 9:23 And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory,

Eph 1:5-6 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

Eph 1:11- 12 also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.

Hbr 13:20- 21 Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (Rom 12:1-2, Col 3:20)

Psa 79:9 Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; And deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name's sake.

Rom 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Also see: 2 Cor 4:15-17, Phil 1:11 and 2:11, Phil 1:20.

If my purpose and your purpose is to display the glory of God,  if we are to do all and be all to the glory of God, what implication does that have on our daily, practical life? What manner of people ought we to be so that God will get all the glory?

Paul writes to the Philippians and after his statement; that he does not care whether he lives or dies as long as Jesus Christ gets the glory; he continues to explain what such a life entails. In the second chapter he says: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each regard one another..." Paul then brings Jesus Christ in as the ultimate example of self-sacrifice to the glory, honor and praise of God the Father.

How should we live then? Actions starts in attitudes, and attitudes starts in the mind. Our thinking has one of two sources: God or the evil one. It is our decision which thought and idea we will entertain, pay attention to and nurture into an attitude. "Let this attitude be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus..." When we are ignorant of the written word of God, we make it difficult for ourselves to sift through all the things that come knocking at our mind's door. We often only realize that we are of on the wrong track when the attitude gives birth to actions. An ounce of prevention is far better than a ton of regret

We have to make quality choices on a daily basis. It may involve deciding how you spend your time. Do you have snippets of time while waiting in the doctor's office, at school for the kids or on the bus? How do you occupy yourself? You could use these moments to quietly pray, read a pocket New Testament or meditate on a portion of scripture.  Some other decisions may involve more difficult choices. You may have to refuse to get offended. Yes, taking offense is a choice. You may have to make a choice about the information you have about someone or some situation. Do you keep it to yourself and pray about it or do you feed the rumor mill. In all these things and many more, we can choose to fulfill our purpose by living in such a way that our lives bring glory and honor to the God we claim to serve.

Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely (gracious), whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell (ponder)on these things.

Col 3:1-2 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Eph 2:7-10 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,  not of works, lest anyone should boast.  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

If we desire to fulfill our purpose for existence, which is to bring glory and honor to God, we have one thing we cannot neglect to do. That is to cultivate, to protect and pursue a vibrant, growing relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Season Are You In??? (part 1) by Marietjie

This is for the purpose of recognising what spiritual discipline is lacking in your OWN life. No one knows the heart of another, except God. That said, many of us have a call, a vision, a destiny burning inside of our heart and neglect to realise that there is a road, a path, a process to it. Like a young person in college, we have to prepare ourselves for our destiny. In spiritual matters the chronology, the elapse of time, time spend, matters little. The passing from one season to the next also has nothing to do with the passing of a specific test, or exam. We in our inner being, with outward manifestations, are changed from one degree of glory to another. Sad to say the price required is often "too high" and people get stuck in one season. Salvation, the born again reality that awakes our human spirit to God, is free. We are born again through faith by grace and we cannot work for it. It is a gift. The growing up, the process of sanctification, require some effort on our part. The New testament is loaded with action-commands: ... pursue love... lay aside... forgive... walk in the light... do not let... The core of all these are simply this: Love God with all your being - live to honor and please Him - and love every other person as you love yourself - in other words treat people as you would treat yourself.

If you have just recently been born again, or have been born again for a while but have no other history or experience with God or other Christians, you are a newborn. You will die if left to yourself. Christianity will not "work" for you, unless you find at least two other born again believers to meet with on a regular basis.. The purpose of these meets are to praise God ( with or without music) and reading the Bible together. Focus on how much God loves you. Enjoy His presence and one another's presence. This is the only things a newborn can and should do.

Ask yourself these questions: Am I absolutely convinced that God loves me? Am I secure in His love? Do I know, that I know that I know that He loves me? If your answer is "yes" then you are no longer a newborn.

If the answer is "no" then you are a newborn. (and it really does not matter if you have been saved for many years) Just keep doing what newborns do. Stay close to at least two other, preferably more mature, Christians. Gather often and regularly to praise God and read the Bible. Read the Bible and read the Bible and read the Bible and read the Bible. Infants that does not have a hunger, desire for milk have problems and may soon die. If you have NO desire for the Bible, you may not be born again at all.

To the "parents", ministers, leaders who assist these people in their born again experience:
Now that they are born again there is some responsibility on your side. You cannot leave them alone. If you are unable to spend time with them on a regular basis, get someone else to do it. Newborns are NEVER to be left alone. Praise God with them. Love on them. Read the Bible with them. ( do not bog them down with doctrine and teachings) Let them enjoy the Bible and God's love. Let them tag along and observe your walk with God.

Too many newborns are tossed aside like some "goal accomplished" and never thrive. They actually "die" and are spoiled from ever really entering into the things of God.

The Greek word is thelazo meaning a suckling infant or baby
Scripture references: Psalms 8:2, Matthew 21:16, Ephesians 3:17, 1 Peter 2:2

If you are convinced of God's love for you and if you regularly, habitually gather with other believers to praise God, and if you read the Bible daily, maybe even have read it from cover to cover - something most people can do in about six months by reading 6 to 10 chapters a day-,  if all this is part of your life and incorporated into you, then you are no longer a newborn. You are in the season of a baby/toddler Christan.

As a baby Christian, you do not speak yet. You had only the responsibility of reading the Bible and praising God so far. As a baby you will begin to love the word, the Bible. You will start to recognise some themes and patterns and as you keep reading it, it will begin to explain itself. Some understanding will come.

As the words of the Bible becomes your words and as your thinking changes to agree with the Bible you will learn the difference between good and evil. There will be an agreement from the inside of you or a disagreement that will make you very uncomfortable.

It is time for you to learn the simple lesson of obedience. There is a difference between hearing or listening and hearing and obeying. As you read the Bible and see something where your life does not agree with the Bible; change. This is a time to recognise those things in our thinking and actions that originates from the flesh, from our ungodly passions and desires.

During this season a baby Christian  must begin to learn the awesome magnitude of the wonderful God that we serve. It is a time to begin to understand what it means to be born again and what the "family relationships are.

So, are you a baby-Christian? You may have been a Christian for many, many years but if you are still mostly preferring to walk and act after the dictates of you flesh and impulses from unregenerate self, you are still a baby Christian. If you have NOT learn to obey the Bible at least most of the time and have an attitude of obedience, you are still a baby. How often do you read the Bible? Have you read all of it yet? If not, you are still a baby Christian.

To the ministers/leaders of baby Christians:
They still need to be supervised all the time. Teach them to pray by praying with them. Teach them to serve by serving with them. Have patience with their struggles with the flesh but help them to obey the Bible. Help them and teach them to start to discern good from evil. Encourage a love for the Word of God. Remember you would like this to be a lifelong love in their hearts. It is paramount to focus on hearing and obeying God during this season.

The Greek word is nepios from ne = not and epos = to speak.
Scripture references: Hebrews 5:13-14, Psalms 8;2, 1Corinthians 3:1 and 13:11, Galatians 4:1&3
What Season Are You in??? (part 2) by Marietjie 

When a person, a christian, starts to see a pattern of being able to obey God in His Word, the Bible, in their daily life; when you read and can honestly say: I used to do that, but not anymore; you are no longer a baby-Christian.When you have learned to walk in obedience, most of the time, - yes, you still make mistakes and disobey, but this is not habitual anymore-, you are no longer a baby.

As a child you will begin to speak and tell people about your faith in God. You will begin to find some place of service, of contributing to the body/family of Jesus Christ. You are NOT ready for leadership yet. You are NOT in charge yet. But you are bringing your side, contributing, and adding strength to strength and faith to faith. You will increase in your understanding  of the Bible. You will start to do things and learn by trial and error. You will learn how to discern, to tell good from evil, by making mistakes and embracing the discipline from God.

You will learn to relate to God as your Father. You will learn to go to Him in times of need and times of failure. You will learn to humble yourself before God and your fellow Christians. Pride, arrogance and self-will(rebellion) will be worked out of your character by many mistakes, fowl-ups and failures. You will need to learn from all of this or you will have to repeat the lesson over and over again. There is no"almost got it". If you miss it, you will have to do it again. It is a good idea to forgive yourself and others quickly and easily during this time. Failure to do so will hamper your spiritual growth and injure yourself.

Now is the season to be baptized  and to learn about and experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is time to learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will have to get very well acquainted with repentance from dead works. Sin should become less and less of an issue. The concern will become: how can I please God and do His will? Your faith towards God and your walk of faith will become stronger and solidify. You will learn the basic doctrines and  begin to understand your inheritance as a child of God.

The inner reality of a changed life will begin to manifest outwardly and your actions and deeds will change. You will become concerned with what your place in God's Kingdom is and what His will for your life is. You will keep studying the Bible, gather with other believers to worship God and to do the good works of the Kingdom of God. The childish, selfish behaviors of the flesh will fade as you set your goal and purpose to obey God in humility.

Most of us stay in the Child-season for a very, very long time.. We may get so used to it that we refuse to grow up. As a matter of fact very few Christians ever grow more than this because it requires that we love the opinion of God more than the accolades of men. This is the price-tag to growing from a child to a mature son of God. Has the humility of Jesus (phil2) grabbed your heart yet? Have you become so sold out to the will of God in your life that you really don't care what He does with you, or what people may think or say about it? This will tell if you are still a child or not.

To the Leader: To many children are handed the keys to the car, so to speak, and then we are full of criticism when they wreck it. Do NOT put people in leadership too soon. A willingness to serve does NOT automatically qualify one to be in charge. Children, still dealing with issues of the flesh and pride do NOT belong in a place of leadership. This creates a problem of a lack of viable candidates for leadership. Maybe God will give us a creative solution for this.  We are making a mess of God's church by letting children take the place of mature sons.

Secondly, leaders, please do not circumvent the discipline of God in people's lives. There is a ton of flesh-problems to deal with. Let God's discipline have it's full course, so that people can grow up and become sons, mature sons of God as they were meant to be. Anyone who have raised children in the natural, can relate to the struggles of  teenagers. They are in many ways quite capable of doing whatever it is they want to do, but lack the wisdom or experience and humility to come out of it un-injured and without doing harm to others. This is why leaders need to train them by letting them come alongside you in a mentor/intern/apprentice relationship.

The Greek word for child is "tekna or teknon and it means, child or offspring. Scripture references: Hebrews 6:1-2, John 8:39, Matt 9:2, Ephesians 5:1-2 &8, 3John1:4, Romans 8:17, Matthew 18:3-4 Romans 9:8, John 1:12, Col 3:20-21, I Thess 2:7 & 11 etc.

The mature sons (both male and female) of God have learned to embrace the discipline of the Father. They are no longer being tossed to and throw by every wind of doctrine. They sometimes seem old and stiff because of this. The sons of God, the mature sons, have learned to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit and they do as He says. Obedience is their lifestyle. They have put away childish, fleshly pursuits and are contending for the faith on a different level. These are the ones that are about the Father's business as co-heirs of an eternal Kingdom. These are the ones who do not long for popularity but have separated themselves unto God and are vessels fit for the Master's use. They know God and are known by Him.

There is a mystery in the revelation of the mature sons of God. We are all growing into maturity because in the maturity of our sonship we are the temple of God, perfectly fitted together and each doing his part.

So few actually becomes mature sons of God because the price is the same price that Jesus paid in Gethsemane.

What would it look like on earth, to have mature sons of God, ruling and reigning as kings and priests?

The Greek word for a mature son is: hious. This is the word mostly used of Jesus. Matt 3:17
Scripture references: Romans 8:13 -15, Romans 9:7-8, I Cor 6:6-18, Gal 3:24-27, Gal 4:6-7, Hebrews 5:14 Hebrews 12:5-11 etc.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Absalom and David by Marietjie Chase
( 2 Samuel 13, 14:21-15:37 and 2 Samuel 16:15 - 18:18)

There is something about the spirit and attitude of Absalom that resides in us all. We get incensed, offended at injustice. We want to punish the guilty and comfort the victim. Yet, in this very appropriate sense of justice, we need to remember that we cannot judge 100% rightly. God is the only one who knows the heart.

Absalom waited for David to punish Amnon for the rape of his sister, Tamar, but David did nothing. He did not even as much as comforted the victim. He just continued with business as usual. Absalom's furry at this compilation of injustice burned, seethed inside of him until, he exacted the punishment  he deemed appropriate.

It could be that this incident and the resulting punishment that David heaped upon Absalom, for the murder of his brother, caused the son to rebel against his father. ( 2Samuel15) This could have been the grounds for Absalom's judgement of David. A judgement that resulted in the conclusion that he, himself, will make a better, more righteous and fair king than David.

We all can bring to mind times and cases when we did not feel like justice were served. There was no punishment to fit the crime. We spoke against the judges, the criminal justice system and even at times against God.

What does the Bible say that we need to do? When you see your brother sin , pray for him. 1 John 5:16 Do not judge, for with the same measure you judge, you will be judged also. Matthew7:1-6. Every one fall or stand to his own master, and in many instances this is God. Romans 14:4-12. When a brother sin against you, go and talk to him. Matthew 18:15-20. ( Also see: Galatians 6:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11)

God, sometimes, seem to take too long to punish the wicked. (2Peter 3:9) We want the wrong righted now and NOT in His time. Do we forget the mercy and grace of God? Do we forget that He desires all to come to repentance and in true relationship with Him? 2Peter 2:9, 1Cor 6:11

King David, a man after God's own heart, said of Absalom; even after the son's rebellion: " Be gentle with the boy". (2Samuel18:5) Could it be that the same God who loved us while we were still sinners and enemies of God, that same God loves these wicked sinners the same? (Ephesians 2:4-7) Could it be that His mercy and grace, His loving kindness is leading them to repentance as well? Romans 2:4

When we take offense at God's seeming inaction, we set ourselves up as judge even over God. ( 2 Peter 3:14-15. We step out of order, alignment and open ourselves up for the spirit of rebellion. This, the Bible calls witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23

Let us rather err on the side of mercy. Let us not become angry, hard hearted, crying out for vengeance, Rather, let us side with those who cry  out for mercy. As Abraham, Genesis 18:17-33, and Moses, Exodus 33, also interceded before God, for a city and a nation full of rebellion and evil. Romans 12:21

In the words of Jesus:" Love your enemies. Pray for those who dispitefully use you, mistreat you. Bless those who curse you and say evil things about you. Do good to those who hate you." Luke 6:27-28

(PS. This is another chapter in the " Inside Out, Upside Down Kingdom")

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not "Born Again" by Mike Petzer.

“Jesus or Paul never told people to "get born again"! You couldn't even get yourself born the first time, how you gonna get it right a second time? Jesus said to Nicodemus unless you’re born from above (meaning unless you originate from above) you would have no appetite for heavenly things! John 3:3”
Francois Du Toit, Facebook, March 7, 2011

Not “born again.”
( This is the best answer to the new herecy " all are already saved" I have seen. )

Does this make man ingenerate, eternally proceeding from God like God the Son? Or are we children of God through our natural birth only?

John 1:12-13

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

The word “become” in verse 12 means “to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being”—Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon. Can we trust John’s theology here? Surely he knew what he was writing? He tells us such a birth is not connected to the natural event of physical, human birth. F plays down the use of the word “birth” or “born” by emphasizing only the use of the word “again.” The point is that whether from “above” or “again” it is imperative that they be “born!” Clearly from the above two verses, that is not a natural birth which is being required.

To read John 3:3 as a compliment to Nicodemus, as F suggests, is to miss the obvious emphasis on the birth requirement in verses 5 and 7. Verse 5 says “he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” F would like us to see in verse 3 that Jesus is complimenting Nicodemus spiritual appetite and that this appetite is proof of a heavenly origin, but Jesus was rebuking Nicodemus and warning him that without a fundamental change to his person, a spiritual birth, he would be excluded from the kingdom of God despite his national origin and despite his obvious religious zeal and appetite for God. However ambiguous F would like to suggest that John 3:3 is, and it absolutely is not, verses 5 and 7 make the meaning abundantly clear, and it is not the one being suggested by F – Nicodemus is ignorant of the new birth and excluded from the Kingdom of God because he has not experienced it. That such a new birth requires the action of the Spirit. Since F believes in no fundamental change in man, merely a psychological enlightenment of qualities already possessed, he denies the new birth and any need for the Holy Spirit who performs it in the believer.

This begs the question, if all are possessors of the divine nature already, why preach the Gospel. I am reminded of the line from the Keith Green Song from 1979 called “The Devils Boast” – “Hey man you ain’t no sinner, you’ve got the truth within.” This is no “new” philosophy F is propagating. It claims only to “enlighten” and not to save, simply because according to F, man is already saved, no response form man is required. One wonders why this does not silence him once and for all in his, by his own reckoning, futile task of preaching.

Again, the fantastic assertion that Paul taught no new birth is thrown in for us to merely swallow, who are presumably bible illiterates or so enamored with F’s word usage that we do not question anything he says.

Titus 3:5

He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,

The word “regeneration” is the word “palingenesia” “palin” meaning “again,” and “genesia” meaning “birth,” thus “born again.” We are saved by the new birth here according to Paul. Salvation thus requires a new birth enacted by the Holy Spirit in order to be saved as this scripture clearly teaches.

Romans 2:28-29

For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.

Here Paul makes it clear that the covenant people have undergone a heart change effected by the Holy Spirit. Something natural birth into the nation of Israel, or any nation, could not accomplish. The new birth has two causing powers, namely, the word of truth and the Spirit.

James 1:18

In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures.

Here James clearly says God “brought us forth” gave us birth, not through our mother’s womb or merely by the judicial act of Jesus death, burial and resurrection, but by the “word of truth.” This is not a word that reveals that we are in fact “born again” but a word by which we are born again.

1 Peter 1:23

for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding word of God.

Again the source of our new life is the imperishable seed, sown through the preaching of the truth of the word of God.

Jesus said we are to be “born of water and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit causes the spiritual transformation within the heart of a man when he hears the word of truth and believes it.

2 Corinthians 3:6

who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

According to F’s philosophy, the Spirit is unnecessary in imparting life, because the unsaved individual, Nicodemus, is already in possession of it. He just needs a spiritual education and not a spiritual transformation.

This is a reduction of Christianity from a life changing miracle to a philosophy which isn’t needed for salvation since all already have their origin from above by natural birth alone. This is a reduction of the faith once and for all delivered to us of tragic proportions and eternal consequences!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Spirit Of  Divorce.  

Marriage was and is God's idea. He created it in Eden when He made them male and female in His image and commanded them to multiply and fill the earth. Marriage is an allegory, a picture, of Jesus Christ's relationship with the church, His bride and body. Ephesians 5. Marriage is a covenant and is often used in the Old Testament to explain God's relationship with Israel. Hosea, Jeremiah 3:8

The Bible says that whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
The New Testament says in Hebrews that marriage should be held in honor. We also read that Jesus will be married to the Church in the end. Committing adultery is breaking the covenant of marriage and in the law of Moses punishable by stoning. Adultery is then also the only reason Jesus gave for divorce.

Divorce was not God's idea. It was His plan that marriage lasts until death. The Bible says in Malachai 2:16 that God hates divorce. Unfaithfulness and covenant breaking is an abomination to God.  Exodus 20:27,Ezekiel 17: 15

Why would our enemy NOT bring divorce as an option, temptation, as a spirit to us? Divorce destroys many. It breaks what God has put together as one. The spirit of divorce comes as a demonic oppression. This is why some folks just "wake" up one day and are almost surprised that they are divorced.

Fight this oppression like any other attack. (not to think it is as any other temptation). We have to make a choice whether we will please God and agree with Him or whether we will seek our own interests and seek our own way. (This excludes actual abuse) Often the spirit that causes divorce will lie, deceive and manipulate us to see things that is not there at all. When we come to resisting the spirit of divorce it is usually at the end of a long line of temptations and lies that we should have resisted and did not.

Looking at divorce in hindsight; It started on the first time selfish, self-centered choices were made. The Bible says that the married couple is no longer two but one. Failing to incorporate this reality in your day-to-day reality gives the spirit that causes divorce  a foothold, a landing place from where to work its wicked magic. Failing to incorporate both spouses in all of their talents, personalities, gifts and strengths into the marriage unity breaks the covenant. Ruth Graham used to say if both are exactly alike, one is unnecessary. Thus opposites are often married so that we can fulfill and augment one another. This failure causes the first hairline fractures where the seeds of separation could lodge in to rupture the unity. I Peter 4:10,

A continues struggle to keep the marriage solid and fill all the cracks starts on the day of the wedding. This is what Paul spoke about when he said that those who get married will have trouble in the flesh (I Cor 7:28). This is the fight. The fight is not whether he will remake her into his idea of what a wife should be or if she does it to him. The fight is to keep from giving the enemy of God and us and marriage an opening to sow his evil seeds into our relationships. Ephesians 4:26

How does this look practically? It takes a lot of communication, patience, humility and love. Listen to your spouse. Listen to their heart and make sure you really understand. Get to know one another really well.  Ephesians 4:2 Colosians 3:13 It is so sad to see people who have been married for decades and all they do is to be co-dependent. A real relationship is costly. It will cost vulnerability, time, energy and resources. There is no longer "I", "Me" and "myself" but rather"us" and "we". I Peter 5:5

Divorce is never inevitable. It is not an option for anyone who wants to please God. Resist the temptation to even entertain the thought and keep working at keeping the marriage solid. It is as important as any other daily devotional and spiritual discipline. Our marriage represents God.

Many are faced with lopsided marriages. Some caused by fear and laziness. It is easier to fight about who will do the dishes than how to split the kids and belongings after 20 years. Many of us shy away from the fights about the dishes just to have the resentment pile up on the inside for decades and then it results in a war. Peace at any cost makes a terrible marriage. God has a purpose why He put the two specific personalities, talents and gifts together. He has a work He will do through us in one another lives if we do not shrink back.  Proverbs 27:17,

Getting to know one another may come through disagreements and arguments. We do not marry for peace. Tranquility and peace belong to the hermit in the cave, monasteries and convents.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Knowing of God. Marietjie Chase

My people perish. go astray, are being taken captive and led into bondage because of a lack of knowledge. This knowledge is not the learning from schooling, for then we will mostly be free and prospering. Neither is this knowledge the knowledge of the demonic or specific doctrines of the church or the Bible, for then we would have already infected the entire globe with freedom. No, this knowledge is the knowledge, the knowing of God. We, as the church, the bride and Body of Jesus Christ, do not know Him.

There is no understanding of His ways. Few know His character enough to refuse the lie when it is whispered in their ear. And even fewer knows His voice.

The knowledge, the relationship, the seeking after God; has taken second place to our inner fightings about words, doctrine, methods and interpretations. We have become so concerned with the provision for the bride that we have left her standing outside in the rain.

God reveals Himself to those who diligently seek Him... Not seeking His gifts, His justifying your point of view or behavior. He reveals Himself to those who come to Him for Himself.

Where have all the God seekers gone? The master of the wedding feast said to those who have done the signs and miracles and wonders, go away for I know you not. Do we even have an idea of where the map is that leads us to the treasure of an intimate, personal relationship with God? Have we walked with Him in the cool of the evening? Have we heeded His call into seasons of separations, prayer and fasting? Have we neglected His written word or twisted it to fit our pet-doctrine and pyramid scheme?

Where does God fit into our lives? Is He the beginning and the end? Or maybe He is just the first 10 minutes and last 2 minutes of our day. Maybe we only call on Him when the buildings starts to colapse and grey smoke and ash billows in the streets, like the monsters in a sci-fi movie, toward us. And even further away, have we reduced Him to a word of cursing that we use when we are outraged or stub our toe? Where does He fit into our lives?

Are you one of the few, the very few, who have found the treasure of being truely in Him? Have you found the sweet aroma of His presence, that makes even the darkest cloud have a silver lining? Have you found in Him a lover, a friend, a companion, a father, a brother that is there when you breath His name and even if you don't? And do you know the awesome nearness of His presence. Can you recognise His manifested presence in the quiet or in the noise? Can you tell what is Him and what is not? Do you see Him coming to you riding the clouds, enthroned on your praise and lifted high in the exaltation of your bended heart in worship?

Do you see Him high and lifted up or have your own importance clouded the picture of who and what He is? What would you answer in defense of such a relation, that made the universe, keep the stars in place, set boundaries for the waves of the sea and yet stand by while millions are slaughtered by a crazed madman, millions be dismembered and de-brained before they even take their first breath? What would you say when the lies, half-truths and deceiving visions about Him comes flooding? Do you know Him and more important yet: Are you known by Him?