Mercy And Grace....

To be Born Again does not negate the consequences of one's behavior. We often encounter individuals that have a case against God because He did not bring the expected result in their lives or in a loved one's situation. Yet, the choice of man and the will of the individual are never included in the equation.
It is one thing to believe God for healing and actively participate in the healing and health of one's body but a total different story to do everything possible to destroy one's earthly temple and then blame God when the goal is finally realised. The same can be said for relationships, finances. spiritual health, child rearing, education and occupations. We cannot sabotage our own well being and then put the blame on God for not rescuing us from ourselves. This is as insane as it sounds..
God in His rich mercy does not give us what we deserve but then we start to presume on His goodness. We do not see that the grace of God is to lead us to repentance which in turn will change our behavior. We somehow deduct that the grace of God will leave us in the mess that we are in and it is acceptable. Grace is unmerited, undeserved favor. It is the favor of God, undeserved, unearned that provides us the opportunity and ability to change.

We are no longer aimless wanderers, tossed around like garbage in a flood. We have purpose. We have direction. We have a design. And we have a sonship to live out while we are in this life. We are now to affect life, and those around us, instead of letting it have an effect on us. We are now called upon to change the circumstances instead of lying down under it. We are the people of God. We are to act like it.
Mercy, Grace, Ability (dunamis), Might, Wisdom and Understanding is indeed ours. If we have truly received Jesus Christ and exchange our sorry lives for His glorious everlasting life, we are new creations.
(Scripture references: The Epistles: Romans through Jude)
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