Jesus said that before Abraham was, He is. The Bible says that Jesus is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. We call God Eternal God, Everlasting Father but do we really believe this? When God revealed Himself to Moses at the burning bush, He called Himself " I Am".

What is the implications of this?
It explains a lot of things for me. God can see way more of our past, present and future than we can. The view is almost like what we see in relation to what an ant sees or the kids in " Honey, I shrunk the kids". Because God is everywhere, past, present and future at once, it makes sense that He will know the end from the beginning. It explains prophesy. It explains why God can call the things that are not as though they are. It explains why Gideon hiding in the winepress were addressed as a "mighty warrior".
It explains co-crucifixion. The instant I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior and Lord, I am crucified with Him. God sees it all at once. When I call upon the name of Jesus, my life becomes His and His life becomes mine. Then in this way I died and I am no longer a sinner but a saint. I have died with Christ and am no longer a slave to sin. The crucifixion of Jesus is not history. It is as real as it was when it happened. That is the reality of being outside of time.
It explains how the blood of Jesus, spilled 2000 years ago, our time, can still redeem sinners. The blood of Jesus, is now. It is timeless. It does not grow old or powerless because it is not bound by time. It is ever-present to free whosoever will believe in Him. It is ever present to cleans us and sanctify us from all spot, wrinkles and shortcommings.
And I am sure that meditating on this attribute of God, this revealed truth about the God that we serve, will bring more light to us...
Jesus said to the Sadducees: " You are mistaken because you do not know the scripture nor the power of God." And today, because so many preaches their pet-doctrine instead of declaring God, few actuallly knows Him. Just listen to what people say and how they talk before and about God. Had they known Him by what He has already revealed, the reality of their lives would be different.
Man is NOT the center of Christianity, God is. Theology is the study of God. When we talk about Him or make doctrine, we need to at least know God.
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