Another Gospel?? by Marietjie Chase

The Bible is to be understood literally unless it says not to. It cannot be any simpler than that. When people re-write scripture to suit their doctrine, we hover at the precipice of herecy. When we use greek and Hebrew vocabulary to brow beat people into agreement, we leave little difference between ourselves and cult leaders who make themselves authority over simple, broken people. We cannot bend, butcher and twist scripture and overemphasise some to the neglect of others to make our point. This is wrong.
Man is NOT at the center of the gospel message, God is. It is not how wonderful and great you and I are, but how great and awesome He is. God did not, does not and will not change. He still loves the world, the people, but hate, yes absolutely hate, sin. He still allow us, each individual, to choose the path and purpose for us. Does He have a plan and purpose for us? Most assuredly, but He NEVER forces Himself on anybody. HE is GOD.
To preach a gospel where man has to work his own salvation out by works and self abasement apart from God, where we have some pecking order of holiness and judging people according to our understanding, where one has to join an anxiety club of fear, misery and poverty to prove your piety, is off the deep end.
But on the other hand to preach a gospel where all is well and man has no responsibility, we just float through life like debris in a flood, where everyone is saved but just don't know it yet and man is at the center of all that is happening, where you're ok and I'm ok and sin has no more relevance since it is all already covered and we can just live however we want to...., well, this is as much of the wall and crazy as the other stuff.
All of this is humanism mixed wth christianity. man either become his own way of salvation or the second teaching make God Himself bow down to His creation.
Salvation, being Born Again, is not the end, but the beginning of our best life. We are not saved to float around aimlessly but to grow into the purpose and calling of God for our lives. We are created, designed for good works. Our focus therefore becomes what God is doing and being a co-laborer with HIm. Our focus is not our own self, sin or satan. Our focus is God and what His will is. Here comes the rub though. Most people do not want to spend the time and energy, the effort to pursue an intimate relationship with God, though Jesus C hrist in the power, ability of the Holy Spirit, so that they can hear Him in order to understand what the will of God for them is.
Having the image of Jesus Christ formed, duplicated an and through us is process that takes time. Living by the promises of God requires faith. It is easier for the 'self' to live by rules, principles or totally without restrained, following every whim, lust and passion. To live in relationship with aHoly God and for His plan, cost something.God's promises are inherited by faith, and faith is energized by love. Without faith no-one will see God and without love no-one can have faith. In the last days; says the Bible, the love of many will grow cold.
The gospel of Jesus Christ will pro-create after its own kind ( the life is in the seed) and something that is not the Truth will also pr-create after its own kind but it will mutate with every 'generation' and in the end it will be a monster.
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