Addressing Some Basics... by Marietjie Chase
Two problems in the church that needs addressing. We cannot keep fighting about "who -is-right" and "who-is-wrong' until we have or because we have to address these two things.
Number One: Most born again believers, Christians, Kingdom believers, saved, baptised and filled-with-the-Spirit, children of God do not know how to recognize His voice. We have no ear to hear and most have no heart to hear. A heart to hear is a heart set at attention to obey. Even if we were aware of His voice our inclination is to dismiss it and stay in our safe little comfort zone. This needs to be addressed. We need to learn how to hear His voice for ourselves. We cannot run to Kim Clement, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder or Pat Holleran if we need to know whether we should buy a new car or fix the old one up. We need to hear Him for ourselves.
Learning to obey Him comes very much like walking to a baby. First you sit, then, crawl, then walk. In every stage you stumble, fall, get hurt, look like a fool and move on. We cannot love ourselves and our reputation and still learn to obey God. Every one who knows His voice and hear Him; yes even the world known prophets; will tell you of the times they were " flaky" because they were learning to hear God. Missing God is part of the process. People who are in the process of learning to hear God looks foolish. They may announce something and two months later turn back. We need to support and love them. They are in the process of learning. No one has ever walked on water by staying in the boat.
The second and just as important issue that needs to be addressed is the process of getting from the promise to the fulfillment. Steve used to say that between the prayer and the answer God makes the saint. Once we are sure it is a word from God there is some response required. Most of the time we need further instruction. Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, asked: How can this be? The further instruction most often has to do with time, place and method. Once Gideon was sure of the instructions He worshipped. He did not abandon His relationship with God for the task. Give God what He wants first.
Sometimes God says: Wait. Just as conception and gestation takes time, some time we have to wait to see the fulfilment of God's promises. We cannot become distracted and chase butterflies. We got to stay focused and let the vision shape the man (or woman). Jesus already knew at the age of 12 that He had to be about His Father's business but did not start His ministry for another 18 years. Joseph knew at a very young age what his destiny was suppose to be but it took 13 years of slavery and imprisonment before the fulfilment. Yet, Joseph kept his heart set upon God.
It is impossible to live out the Second without the First, since we need to know His voice to do His bidding. It goes without saying that both these are faith issues. It is impossible to hear and obey consistently without faith. It is also a self-sacrifice issue. There is no hearing and obeying if we are still loving our lives.
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