Our vision to "Reconcile the World to the Lord Jesus Christ" has been growing with us through the years.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
When David accepted the challenge to go kill the giant, Saul tried to fit David into his own suit of armor. It did not fit. David did not fit Saul's mold. Remember Saul was "the-peoples-choice". There is again a Davidic spirit released in the people of God. There are those who have been building a history with God on the back pasture, where they learn to trust Him and are not poluted with man's way of doing things. These people, young and old, male and female, from every race, tongue and nation are again crying out; " Is there not a cause?!!!"
They do not fit the mold. These people do not share the same spirit of fear that now makes christians cower and bow to the forces of evil. These are not schooled in the ways of religion and as a matter of fact have no use for religion. What makes them different is that they know God. They truely know God and will not be convinced to believe the lies about Him that are preached. They are convinced of the greatness of their God and know that God have not gone to sleep. They are not afraid of the challenges and will not go silently into the night. They will not be quiet. They will not bow to man's ways and the flesh.
They are not aware of or ignore the "older-brother" spirit that comes against them because their focus is on pleasing God. They have layed aside the fear of men. They have laid aside the concerns for this life. They have laid aside the affects of the systems of this world. They have wasted their lives...on Jesus.
These are the ones who are building a new dwelling place for God. These are the ones who have turned to focus one ONE THING only: GOD!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
God is Love John 4: 8
Jesus Commands us to love God and love people as ourselves. John 15:12, 17 and 13:34
Love- agape is a self sacrificing type of love. Love that is found only in God and through God. The love of God. A Charity. A giving, benevolent love. God so love the world that He gave...
Let us love one another for love is from God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows, experience God. The one who does not love like this does not know God.
God gave us an example, a demonstration of this kind of love when He gave His Son to pay the penalty, punishment for the sins and mistakes of the entire world. If God loves like this and we call ourselves children, sons of God, then we ought to love like this as well. When we love we are doing what God does and He is in us and works through us. Because we know and believe that God loves us, we are part of God and His love for us and in us, can love like He does. When we find ourselves loving in this benevolent, self-giving way, it is prove of God living inside of us and of us living and existing in God. By this, love as a way of living, we become God's ambassador's, God's representation in this world. John 15:13
There is NO fear in love. Fear includes punishment, but love has NO punishment. Living in Love is better than prophecy, more excellent than any spiritual gift. It is a fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Love is the vehicle, instrument, channel for Faith and without love faith is ineffective. There is NO slavery in Love but we willingly serve as slaves to one another because of love and in this we fulfill the entire law. Love never ends and will continue into eternity.
How do we love one another? By obeying God. Those who love and obey God also love those who are born of God. Jesus demonstratyed His love for God, the Father, through His obedience. John 15:10 and 14 : 31.
I John 2 through 5; Romans 8:28, 37-39; II Corinthians 5:14, I Corinthians 12:31 though 13:13; Ephesians 5: 1-2 and 5: 25; Romans 13:8; Galasians 5:6 and 22
Sunday, August 16, 2009
.....As God has called you, live up to your calling. Accept life with humility and patience, generously making allowances for each other because you love each other. Make it your aim to be at one in the Spirit, and you will be bound together in peace. .... Ephesians 4:4-6
We ought to question anything that brings a spirit of division into the Body of Christ/ Kingdom/ Church/ Bride of Christ. We are all ONE. We need One Another. We are all ONE body, many members but ONE body. If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it.... and if one member is honored, all members rejoice with it... there is a more excellent way .... seek Love: Agape.
Ephesians 4:11 are jobs ( job descriptions) not titles. Some He gave a function, or "being" to be.... These are not titles or honors or medals or awards or a system. This was never meant to be some christian pyramid system of control and honor. There is no Levitical priesthood hierarchy in the New Testament. We are ALL kings and priests but our functions, roles and purposes in the Kingdom differs. We are all to humble ourselves and submit to one another. The authority of the believer is not over people, but over the works of the enemy.
The "five-fold" heresy comes from one single verse pulled out of context. Paul could have gone on and extend his list to helps, mercy etc. He was speaking of the Body being one and each one given a gift of grace or grace according to the gift of Christ...He gave gifts to men... as examples of these Paul mentions the five following gifts. There is no implication or hint that this is a hierarchy or system or an "authority" structure. To infer this from this passage is heresy.
Continue to read the rest of the chapter.. or book... It is clear that the whole Body has to grow up and mature with Christ as the head. From the head each part is directly connected and receive life to grow by the proper functioning of each individual part. V25 ... let each man..., for we are all parts of the same body... Here Paul is still continuing on his theme of One-ness.
I Corinthians 12.. again is about the One-ness of the Body of Christ. The gifts listed here are different from the Eph 4 list. So why not call it an eight-fold ministry.
In Romans 12, the passage actually starts out with (verse 3) a warning against the conceited arrogance now so rampant in the Body of Christ. Be humble. But here these "gifts" listed are actually called functions. And the list contains, prophecy and teaching... If we read the entire chapter, it is not about establishing some pecking order but simply to say that we have gifts that differ and that we are all One and must submit to one another in brotherly love,... give preference to one another in honor...
If Eph 4, I Cor 12 and Rom 12 were meant to establish an authority structure, God would have said so, clearly. He has no problem giving Moses very detailed instructions about the first Levitical priesthood... that ; by the way; is a thing of the past. Also the list of gifts would have been the same. It never says anywhere in the New Testament that all are under the authority of a certain gift. It is simply not there. It does say that ALL, that means everyone, needs to function in their gifting, while submitting to one another. There is NO longer a human mediator or authority. We are all face-to-face before God through Jesus Christ.
Do I propagate anarchy in the church? NO, instead the opposite. All in humility and love (agape) submitting to one another. We are all on even plane before God. I Cor 12 says plainly that an eye is an eye and an ear is an ear, both needed and important, both submitted to each other and the one not under or over the other in authority or control.
The only offices in the church are on a congregational level. One for the spiritual well being of the Body and one for the physical well being of the Body. The offices of elders/overseers and deacons are explained in Acts 6. Deacons [gr.diakonos: those who labor in the dust] are the physical servants of the congregation. Elders/ overseers are those who minister the word and devote themselves to prayer.
The instruction to submit to one another is in the same spirit and flow of the rest of the New Testament. The law of liberty of life in Christ Jesus made us free from the law of sin and death; Not so that we can run around and get ourselves entangled again in some sort of man made slavery, or into all kinds of sin and lust, but so that we can now have the power and ability to complete our God ordained destiny. Submit to God and one another by the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ and fulfill your purpose and function in the Kingdom of God.
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

- A small group of about 5 families cannot financially support a full-time pastor. Pastors have to either take a secular job or pastor several small congregations. Which begs the question: should the pastor be paid by the congregation at all. maybe that is just another Old Testament, "levitical" thing we kept for lack of something better.
- Are you still a shepherd/pastor when you oversee several smaller groups? Or does the fact/action of traveling make you an "apostle"?
- Could one of the more mature/experienced members with a full-time job be a shepherd/pastor? maybe members will grow up faster if more of the ministry is done by the members instead of the hired help/pastor.
Our current church system makes me think of the time in Judges 17 when each did what was right in his own eyes and some paid the Levite to be their priest.
Could we be brave and courageous enough to chance what is? Could we cross the bridge from tradition to blind faith? Where is God's Elijah's, Daniels, Deborah's and Esters? Are they ever going to come out of the caves, backside of the wilderness or prison?
There is a new Reformation coming - No, it's already started. Will we go with the flow or try to hold back a tsunami with our bare hands?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The revelation of the Kingdom of God/Heaven, I am starting to realize, is not just another signpost or event in this journey , nor is it the next restored reality/truth to divide about. If Jesus spoke about this so often and seemed to keep going back to it; and then the apostles in their epistles, brought this down in more bite- size daily applications, it is in fact our life. Some wrote books on it, and that is important to help us think this through, but it is not even about the thinking part. It is not about knowledge or being right. It is not about structure, authority and methodology. It is not a truth that excludes all the others. It is not something to get fanatical about.... Jesus told stories to try to bring it to people: The Kingdom of Heaven is like... He said this over and over and over again.

So what is it? As I begin to see it, it is a changed heart and mind. It is the reality of seeing God's way, living God's way. It is to "not let the world/kosmos squeeze you into it's mold". It is to let the love/agape of God rule and reign in our hearts and minds. It is to love/agape the Lord our God with ALL our heart, soul, mind and existence.
Well, it is easier said than done.
We, humans, have a sin-stained "action and re-action" attitude about life. We have our own inbred, yeah I mean inbred, sense of justice. We have a balance, an equilibrium, that helps us survive and succeed in this world/kosmos system. But in order to live in the Kingdom of God we have to let all this go. Yeah, let it go.
There is a new attitude, a new "breeding" that has to happen. Meditation on what Jesus said, what the Apostles said, brings us almost always to the conclusion that this cannot work in this world/kosmos. So we sit with this dichotomy that we would like to live and obey the New Testament but the Old Testament thinking and living fits easier in our polluted attitudes. We therefore keep parts of the old and embrace that of the new that we dare to swallow. None of us, or maybe I should say few, has yet to bet the farm.
What would make us see, really see, that the new is better? Would it take some cataclysmic event to erase our systems/kosmos/world that we so desperately cling to? This to, would not seem like the mercy and grace of God but it would be; wouldn't it?
"Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me, because the one who is least among all of you is the one who is greatest."
"Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-- pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."
In the same way, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen."
For he shall have judgment without mercy, that has showed no mercy; and mercy rejoices against judgment.
"But he said, 'No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
In our days, I dare say the last days, we arrived at the edge of a precipice th

When Jesus' time here on earth drew toward the end, he became increasingly concerned for His disciples well fare. We read His prayer in John 17 and the last teaching to the disciples/apostles that span from chapter 13 through 16. This was His farewell address to them and if we read this and meditate on it we see a few survival techniques that He brings to their attention.
First: Let's wash one another's feet. What does that mean? In one of Paul's epistles he wrote, in love (agape) serve as slaves to one another. This is practical. There is no reason, we, Christians cannot be a village, a community. Do we even know the practical needs of those we are in the Body of Christ with us.
Don Fransisco sang it years ago: "I don't care how many buses you own, or the size of your sanctuary, it doesn't matter how steep your steeple is, if it's sittin' on a ceme- tary I don't care if you pave your parking lot, or put pads upon your pews, What good is a picture perfect stage, if you're missin' all the ques I don't care if your pastor's super powered, and your program's always new What you need is love and truth Men are gonna come to you, It doesn't matter that you know the Bible, if it's all just in your head, the thing I need to ask you, is that have you done the things I've said: Do you love your wife For her and for your children, are you laying down your life What about the others Are you living as a servant to your sisters and your brothers, Do you make the poor man beg you for a bone Do the widow and the orphan cry a-lone."
Jesus said that even as He loved us, we need to love one another. How did He love us? He gave His life for us. That means His all. BY THIS shall all men know that we are His disciples, if we love one another. Jesus comes back to this point over and over again: Love God and love one another.
Second: Believe! Believe in the Father, Believe in Jesus. Believe means to trust and obey. Jesus said we will do the same works that He did if we believe. Unto believers it was given in Mark 16 to lay hands on the sick , to do signs and miracles etc. We who believe are suppose to do these things, not a select few. Be foolish enough to take God by His word and act on it. Lay hands on the sick and heal them. It is the least we can do. Stop running all over the place and do it yourself. Like when the disciples came to Jesus with the complaint that the 5000 plus followers were hungry in the wilderness and He said: " You feed them." This is not the time to debate doctrine and pontificate the pro's and con's. Do the stuff. If you believe, do it!
Third: Jesus introduce the Holy Spirit to them and explain the purpose and the place of the Holy Spirit to them. The orphan spirit that have christians live as though our God is dead, has permeated the church because we do not know how to draw on the Holy Spirit. We have this Holy Spirit right here upon the earth. We have Him living inside of us. Learn to rely on Him. Yes, it is by trail and error and we look and sound like fools while we are learning but the alternative is even more disastrous. We are so inclined to have a human Moses, - pastor, prophet, teacher, - that we have not learned to discern His voice. Come on Church, get of your lazy lowers and start getting into God so that you also can hear His voice and OBEY it. You will not hear if you are not willing to obey.
Fourth: Jesus said, if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you will and it shall be given unto you. We have to know the Bible more deeply than just what we hear in church. You and I need to know the book. It is very simple. Read it, meditate on it and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. Let it settle in your heart. If you have to memorize it for this to happen then do it. This is your civil defense. This is your "Boot Camp". The Word and prayer. Yes, it sound so simplified but it is still true. Get on your knees and pray. Pray the scripture if you do not know what else to pray. Pray through the New Testament. Let the Holy Spirit lead you through it. Learn to pray. Learn to seek God's face in prayer.

Jesus warns of coming persecution. The warning is going out again! Troubled times is at our door. Get ready! it is not time to go hide in a hole. It is not the time to reach for more entertainment. Get ready! Prepare yourself, for "in the world you have tribulation but take courage; Jesus overcame the world."
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Reading through Romans I came upon this verse in the eighth chapter, the 15 th verse: "We have not received the spirit of slavery, leading to fear but a spirit of adoption as sons (spiritually which includes both genders) by which we cry Abba! Father!" That made me think of II Timothy one verse 7: "God has not given us a spirit of timidity -cowardice, fearfulness - but of power (dunamis) and love (agape) and discipline - a sound mind, self-control and moderation-."
See how the spirit of fear has it's roots in the orphan/slave spirit. Slaves and orphans has no inheritance, no protection, no security, no confidence and are left to fend for themselves. Spiritual slaves are often legalistic and concerned with what is right since they find comfort and security in this. They are always trying to do what is right since they think that they will by that, find the acceptance they so desperately crave. John 14:16-18 Jesus states that He will not leave us as orphans but will send the Holy Spirit as comforter - He is also our teacher, reminder and companion. In Psalms 27: 9-10 it says that even if my father and mother forsake me God will never.
Galatians 3:23-29 and 4:1-4 says that slaves and immature sons have a lot in common. Immature sons are tutored by the law until maturity. Mature sons enjoy the inheritance of the father, immature sons enjoy the positional inheritance but does not yet see the inheritance. True sons of God are not afraid of the Father's reproof, but embraces it since it leads to maturity. Notice how often Jesus rebuked, reproofed the disciples. Children do not raise themselves.
We have very few true fathers in the Western, One-Man-Show, Church and even if we find one, we have made it so easy for people to run from congregation to congregation, that they never get the fathering needed to mature. So we have bunches of orphan/slaves running around with no real roots, power, love or self-control. This caused the church to be so feminine that true men seldom feel at ease in these places. Part of the reason for the abuse of women in the Western Church is that the pastors have a feminine spirit produced by the absence of fathers in the faith. They are feminized and are intimidated by the women since they are trying to "mother" the church instead of "father" the church, since this is all they know. A pastor or father that has a slave/orphan spirit uses people instead of investing in them. It sacrifices it's children to the needs of self. It does not tolerate intimacy or genuineness, realness. This is the opposite of the spirit of adoption.
If we are going to successfully deal with the spirit of fear, lack of love and power in the church we have to deal with this orphan/slave spirit and part of the answer is to change the structure, mindset and methodology of the church. We have raised a couple of sons and have still two in the house. These boys needed their mother when they were young but there comes a time when a young man yearns for the fathering of a father. Maybe the old ways of making a knight had something to it where a boy stayed with the women folk until the age of eight and afterward was raised by men.
Changing our style of church will only help if we also "father" people into maturity and produce mature sons (spiritually which includes both genders) to continue the family business. At the age of 12 Jesus separated Himself from His mother with these words: "Did you not know that I have to be about my fathers business." Luke 2:49
[See also these: http://touchedbygrace.org/teachings/ ; http://www.fatherpower.com/ ; www.rmdk.com/ ; http://web.mac.com/waynecanderson/Standsure/The_Blog/Entries/2008/9/1_Orphans_and_Motives_Behind_Christian_Disciplines.html
and also the book Wild at heart by John Eldrege ]
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, January 04, 2009