Prepare the Way of the Lord.
Wasn't that the prophet's cry.... Isaiah 40:3-5, Matt 3:3, Mark1:2-3, Luke 3:4-6
Preparation never happens unless there is an anticipation. It trancends hope. It is the action of Faith.
What is the "way" of the Lord now? The prophet speaks of making straight paths - bringing mountains down and elevating valleys. Where is this "way"? In the hearts of people. We are each our own "way" builder. But only the Holy Spirit can be the Master Engineer. We do not even know our own hearts because it is so deceiptive.

So how can we prepare a way when we are not even able to rightfully know where there is construction needed? By humbling ourselves under the hand of God by the Holy Spirit. When we open our lives and bow our knees, our minds, our hearts and surrender our rights to Him, who is our life, then we will have the priviledge to participate in this road construction.
This is by no means a small task. Each have to take his or her own life and open it to the Holy Spirit's search(Ps 139); seeking and searching and inspecting by the light of a candle; so that every mountain can be exposed, every crack filled and every valley elevated. Making a highway is never cheap. It comes at a price. How do we reckon on preparing a way for the Lord without cost?
We have for years cried out for a visitation, a habitation of the Lord among His people. Yet we have seen minimal results to all our fasting and praying. Could it be that we have send the invitations to a place that have no road to it? Could it be that the way are obstructed by landslides and eroded by the constant floods of circumstances. Maybe there are boulders of offense that effectively block the way, the light, the flow.
How willing are we to prepare the way? How willing, do we think, God is to manifest His presence among us? Maybe we've been asking the wrong question and knocking on the wrong door.
Isaiah 57:14-15, Isaiah 62: 10-12, Malachai 3:1-4
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