Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Principled Living or Relational Living...You choose! by Marietjie Chase

You can either live by principle or by the moving and leading of the Holy Spirit. If you choose principle you will receive the reward of living by principle and also if you choose to live by the Spirit you will receive the fruit of that. He that lives by principle has to remember all the principles and has occasion for boasting, if he succeed to stay within these principles. It is a box. If you choose to live by the Spirit your focus will be on forming and entering into a deeper more intimate relationship.

Principle living engenders independence from the source much like parents try to instill principles into their children in the hope that it becomes a lifelong habit so that they may be safe and prosper. We would like for our kids to be able to stand on their own two feet and not be needy.

In order to walk in the Spirit the opposite is needed. The closer I am and the deeper my relationship with Him, the more I need Him. I seek more dependence upon the Holy Spirit and not independence. Romans 8 says those who are led by the Spirit are the sons (mature sons) of God. This may mean that those who still live by principle are immature in that area. Galatians teaches that the law, principles comes to train us for something better. We cannot be truly free until we have come to maturity in every area of our lives. We shall know(gain knowledge of; similar to learning) the truth and the truth shall set us free. John 8:32. Ephesians 4: 13-16 speaks of the whole Body growing up into a new man; the Dwelling place of God.

Is principles important then..? By all means! Paul says in the book of Romans: I would not have known sin, other than the law pointing it out to me. We will not know and understand God if we do not study and submit to being taught. Yet, if we stay at this, we will be only a little bit better of than any other dead religion since the life, the eternal life is in the relationship.

Jesus did not abolish the law by annulling it, but by fulfilling it. The law and principles are still there and those who would like to live by it can do that but, Paul says, then Christ and His righteousness becomes superfluous. Living by principles affords one his own righteousness out of his own right doing and therefore the " right" to condescend and judge those who has lesser measure of success.

Principles do not need a heart full of faith and love. Cold hard facts is all the lawyer needs. The father embraces the son who acted like a fool and squandered half a livelihood. Principles, law says: that's not fair. If you cannot live in love, faith and grace, living by principles is better than nothing. It is better to obey from a motive of principle than to disobey. But the best motive is love.

Tithing, first fruits, offerings and taking care of the poor are all Old Testament principles. In the New Testament living by love, grace and faith says that as Jesus gave His all, so I give my all. So out of love, grace and faith, I pour out of what I am entrusted with, am a steward off, as He wills. My life is now full of faith that includes risk. The only sure thing is God.

Most modern day believers runs back and forth between living by principle and living by the Spirit. From the view of a principled person - living by the Spirit is to risky and open to danger. From the view of a Spirit- led person - principled living is dry, cold and stuck in a rut.

What does God want?

By the Spirit, put to death your members that is bound to the earthly principles of touch not, taste not etc. Romans 6. Galatians: God wants us to grow up in all things into Him, so that our lives would be hidden with Christ in God and the life that we now live in the flesh, in the dust, would be lived by faith in Him. Col 1:28, Rom 8:14. The rebuke of Galatians three still stands: " Who has bewitched you, that beginning in the Spirit, you now try to complete it in the flesh...?

Principles is just another word for law or works. Faith or grace or Spirit means that I seek to know Him and the power of His resurrection, being conformed to His image - even unto death - as a partaker of His divine nature.

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