What is a Christian?
I am sure there are 365 definitions and about half of it contradictory.
But what does the Bible define it as? Acts 11:26 says that other people called the disciples of Jesus Christ: Christians.
So, in its most basic, narrowest definition it means to be a disciple, follower, student, of Jesus Christ. Disciple is a disciplined learner, someone who accepts, propagate and live the teachings of the Master.
This is a bit narrow but so be it.
May we get back to this definition and for the rest; call yourselves believers or religious or spiritual or whatever term works for you.
Someone wrote an article about the great falling away that the Bible predicts for the end times. I may sound harsh but I wish they would fall away and get it done with. Really!! Would you rather have a big picking crate with apples of which about half is bruised, rotting and no good or a small basket with about 5 pounds of excellent, healthy, good apples?
When Moses led Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness, it was the mixed multitude who instigated the rebellion. It was the ones who was not truly Jews. They had no commitment. They were in it for the ride, for what is in it for them.
In the name of Jesus Christ people do all sorts of crazy, weird, criminal and wicked things. Then they pull a sheet over it and call it "Christian". Well, I for one am tired of it. If you call yourself a Christian, then live like a disciple of Jesus Christ. Live the Book. Stop with all this un-christian lifestyles and become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Becoming a Christian means that there is a life exchange happening. You lay your life down for Jesus Christ and He lives in and through you. You do not belong to yourself anymore. Much like a traditional marriage where you, till death, swear allegiance to one another. You are one for better or worse. Your commitment, your covenant rules your life. You cannot just live for yourself anymore. You belong to another. This is what happens when one say: "I do" to Jesus. You become His and He becomes yours.
What He loves and focus on, also becomes your love and focus. How He thinks and behaves also becomes your thinking and behavior. His pleasure and desires becomes your pleasure and desires. You spend lots and lots of time, energy and money on Him and cannot adore Him enough. He fills your sleeping, eating and waking hours. He becomes most important to you, more important than any person, political view, hobby, entertainment, sport, tradition, country or whatever people idolize these days.
If this is too tall of an order for you, then go away. Go call yourself something else. And do not group yourself with those who are truly Christians.