In HIS image...
One of the fundamental mistakes people make in their relationship with God is to view Him as human. He is NOT human. He is a total different specie. Humans are made in His image. We are like Him. In His likeness.
That does not mean that He is like us.
God cannot lie, sin or be unfaithful. God is always light and love. God is outside of time. He is everywhere and every time at the same time. God does not die or stop being. He always was and always will be. He knows everything and sees everything. He can choose to limit Himself in His dealings with a specific person. He can understand completely since He knows completely.
He cannot be tempted since He has no sin-nature.
When we relate to Him as if He is another human being we falter and fail. When I relate to a pet, I cannot think it to be a child. The misconception will bring about a flawed relationship. If I expect the pet to act and re-act like a child I will be disappointed. It is not the pets fault that I had erroneous expectations.
Applying human logic to God almost always leads to a cul-de-suc. He is so much more than we can reason out. When we apply human wisdom and understanding, we will come to a place of astonishment with no explenation. When we attempt to grasp Him with human emotions we find ourselves fickle, superficial and Him so much more comprehensive and enduring. Our physical bodies cannot even begin to stand in His presence.
So how can we relate to this God... who is so much more, so much greater, so much better than anything we can invent, envision or dream up?
On His terms. That is the only terms. By His power, ability. It is the only power. By asking Him to do in us what He tells us to do. By admitting that we can't, but He can. By submitting to His plan, His authority. Our only contribution is to yield. Our only authentic, unique ingredient to this recipe is our choice and even in that He can make us willing if we desire to be made willing.
Presumption and assumption must cease if we ever would have a true relationship with Him. And our only prayer: "Lord, make me willing to be made willing..."