The Bible says that whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
The New Testament says in Hebrews that marriage should be held in honor. We also read that Jesus will be married to the Church in the end. Committing adultery is breaking the covenant of marriage and in the law of Moses punishable by stoning. Adultery is then also the only reason Jesus gave for divorce.
Divorce was not God's idea. It was His plan that marriage lasts until death. The Bible says in Malachai 2:16 that God hates divorce. Unfaithfulness and covenant breaking is an abomination to God. Exodus 20:27,Ezekiel 17: 15
Why would our enemy NOT bring divorce as an option, temptation, as a spirit to us? Divorce destroys many. It breaks what God has put together as one. The spirit of divorce comes as a demonic oppression. This is why some folks just "wake" up one day and are almost surprised that they are divorced.
Fight this oppression like any other attack. (not to think it is as any other temptation). We have to make a choice whether we will please God and agree with Him or whether we will seek our own interests and seek our own way. (This excludes actual abuse) Often the spirit that causes divorce will lie, deceive and manipulate us to see things that is not there at all. When we come to resisting the spirit of divorce it is usually at the end of a long line of temptations and lies that we should have resisted and did not.
Looking at divorce in hindsight; It started on the first time selfish, self-centered choices were made. The Bible says that the married couple is no longer two but one. Failing to incorporate this reality in your day-to-day reality gives the spirit that causes divorce a foothold, a landing place from where to work its wicked magic. Failing to incorporate both spouses in all of their talents, personalities, gifts and strengths into the marriage unity breaks the covenant. Ruth Graham used to say if both are exactly alike, one is unnecessary. Thus opposites are often married so that we can fulfill and augment one another. This failure causes the first hairline fractures where the seeds of separation could lodge in to rupture the unity. I Peter 4:10,
A continues struggle to keep the marriage solid and fill all the cracks starts on the day of the wedding. This is what Paul spoke about when he said that those who get married will have trouble in the flesh (I Cor 7:28). This is the fight. The fight is not whether he will remake her into his idea of what a wife should be or if she does it to him. The fight is to keep from giving the enemy of God and us and marriage an opening to sow his evil seeds into our relationships. Ephesians 4:26
How does this look practically? It takes a lot of communication, patience, humility and love. Listen to your spouse. Listen to their heart and make sure you really understand. Get to know one another really well. Ephesians 4:2 Colosians 3:13 It is so sad to see people who have been married for decades and all they do is to be co-dependent. A real relationship is costly. It will cost vulnerability, time, energy and resources. There is no longer "I", "Me" and "myself" but rather"us" and "we". I Peter 5:5
Divorce is never inevitable. It is not an option for anyone who wants to please God. Resist the temptation to even entertain the thought and keep working at keeping the marriage solid. It is as important as any other daily devotional and spiritual discipline. Our marriage represents God.
Many are faced with lopsided marriages. Some caused by fear and laziness. It is easier to fight about who will do the dishes than how to split the kids and belongings after 20 years. Many of us shy away from the fights about the dishes just to have the resentment pile up on the inside for decades and then it results in a war. Peace at any cost makes a terrible marriage. God has a purpose why He put the two specific personalities, talents and gifts together. He has a work He will do through us in one another lives if we do not shrink back. Proverbs 27:17,
Getting to know one another may come through disagreements and arguments. We do not marry for peace. Tranquility and peace belong to the hermit in the cave, monasteries and convents.