Rebellion and Submission by Marietjie Chase
Before we can consider rebellion and submission we have to have a look at authority.
Authority in the Old Testament was rule, reign, govern, to have dominion as in Genesis 1:18 where it is said that the sun have rule/dominion over the day and the moon have rule/dominion over the night. In the New Testament the word is excousia meaning the right, liberty, permission, allowed, ability and jurisdiction. John 1:12
There are true authority and false authority, also called usurped authority. Like with all the enemy's counterfeits, it takes discernment, humility and a heart tuned to the Holy Spirit to discern the difference. I did not list a thorough knowledge of the Bible since the interpretation of the scriptures are used by both true and false authority. Malachi 3:17-18 , Colosians 2:4, 1Thesselonians 1:5, 2Timothy 2:15.
All true authority comes from God. It is received from God as Jesus said that "all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me." Matthew 28:18 There is no such thing as taking authority or assuming authority in the Kingdom of God. Authority is always received from above. False authority is taken not received. John 19:11, Romans 13.
There is no hierarchy of authority in the New Testament. No person has the dominion over another person. We have been given authority over the enemy and all his works, over the earth, over sin but not over one another. Genesis1:26&28, Psalms 8:6, Romans 6:12, Luke 10:19 Jesus is the head of the Church, His body, and the government is upon His shoulders. Jesus is the head of every individual and there is no "Moses" needed to go between each of us and Jesus. We are a Kingdom of kings and priests. Jesus is the only High Priest, the only Chief Shepard, the only head of this church. Any form of church government that gives pre-eminence to men rather than Jesus is unbiblical. Matthew 4:10, 6:24, 2Corinthians 1:24, 1Peter 4:11, Revelations1:6
So how does true New Testament Authority looks like? Like Jesus.
He is a servant-leader. He laid down His life for the Church. He loves us and proves His love by giving His all. He is totally submitted to God the Father and in that He is so submitted, was given authority. John 12:49, 14:10 He was submitted to His early parents and yet was about His "Father's business." Jesus never demanded His rights. He never pitch a fit when His plans was frustrated. He never handled the word of God or the gift of God deceitfully. He allowed those who followed Him to leave, if they so chose and loved them anyway. Yet, he stood up to the religious crowd and did not let them kill Him before God's time. Elders/overseers are to serve, not being served. Deacons are to serve, not being served. Husbands are to serve, not being served, Parents are to serve, not being served. This in itself is a good test of true authority. Is this a loving caring, serving person or are they harsh, demanding and lording it over the people? ( Philippians 2:5-8; Ephesians 5:25-27; Matthew 20:23-26, 23:1-12; Colosians 1:25)
Once authority is confirmed to be true, God-given authority in the Spirit and attitude of Jesus, what should our response be? There is only two responses to true Biblical, God-given, God-ordained authority: submission or rebellion.
Rebellion comes in many ways and is not always apparent. James Dobson, in his books about child-rearing, speaks about the rebellion of the passive aggressive youngster, that needs to be brought into the open so that it can be dealt with. There is passive-aggressive rebellion in all of us. Ex. When the speed limit is 65 and we go 75 to "keep up with the traffic". Some cannot obey any posted sign. When a sign says "Do not park in the drive way" something makes them park there.
This is not to be confused with those gifted individuals who thinks outside of the box. Thanks to these God-given talents, we have many inventions that ease our life. There are also the person who sees the ridiculous in anything and makes us laugh.
What is rebellion then? Rebellion is the heart attitude or posture against what God has given, said or established. It is doing it "my-way". It is rejecting God's plan, God's way and seeking to establish your own. It is knowing to do right but willfully choosing to disobey. Isaiah 14:13-14 (American Standard Version) " And thou saidst in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit upon the mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." Romans 10:3, Ephesians 3:1-3, 2 Kings 17:15, Jeremiah 18:12, Hosea 4:8, Mark 7:9
I Samuel 15:23 says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Dave Wilkerson says that "the witchcraft of rebellion begins with a little root of bitterness! " and " ends in a lack of reverence for Jesus! Acts 8: 18-23 and Matt 21. (
Rebellion in wanting to be a spiritual "mover and shaker" without submitting to God, without paying the price but taking a shortcut. We have seen a flood of rebellion against God and His word in recent years. There are strange and extra-Biblical doctrines and some re-writing scripture to the advantage of their own pet-doctrine, pressing the truth to extremes. Romans 10:3, Nehemiah 9:16-18, John 7:16-18, Colosians 2:18-23
The spirit of pride and arrogance thrives in the rebellious. It is very much a heart attitude of a stiff neck and unyielding mind. Rebellious people seldom listens and is not easy to be entreated. Rebellion fains submission to get its own way. It does not know what mutual submission means and are afraid of it. Most rebels lack an understanding of God's agape-love and are riddled with fear. A rebellious spirit will always spark competition since there is no humility in it. It is filled with, what one precious intercessor calls, the spirit of "yahbut". It cannot be corrected since it will agree that it is at fault and then follow it with "Yah but..." and a deluge of words defending the position. Rebellion do not know true repentance and the apology will be insincere and surface. 2Timothy 2:24-26, Colosians 3:11-13, James 3:16, 2 Peter 2:9-11.
A rebellious person lacks the courage to do what is required and finds a way to make it easier on his/herself. There is a fear of men to the point of desperation and the biggest crisis is public humiliation. A rebellious person always has his or her own agenda. Watchmen Nee wrote in his book on Spiritual Authority that when one enters a meeting or church fellowship, to discern who the authority is and to submit to them. This is a heart attitude of submission. It is an attitude of preferring one another above ourselves.
God's Plan or how He desire for us to respond to God-given authority: Submission.
Submission (hupotasso) means to get under and lift up, or to put in order. Submission does not mean, "to obey." The Greek word for "obey/obedience" is hupakoe, which means to listen to or to harken to. Submission (hupotasso) means to get under and lift up, yield, to arrange in order, to place oneself at the disposition of. It can also be a military term referring to the equal sharing of tasks, to support, to fulfill one's part of the assignment. Another good definition is, “To come along side as to give meaning.”
Submission says: " I have faith in God to be who He said He is and to do what He says he'll do". Submission says: " I will not fear but trust." Submission says: " I can forgive because i am forgiven". Submission says:" I need you as you need me".
Submit to God, resist the devil and he shall flee from you. Submission is an attitude of humility that says: I am dependent upon you. I can submit to God and the enemy flees because I am not standing in my own strength and pride and arrogance. I am submitted to God, dependant upon God and my life and interwoven with His. When we truly inter submit our common strength increases. The Bible says one can put a 1000 to flight but two put 10 000 to flight. Trust, love, humility, forgiveness, freedom and unity is found in the hearts of those with a submissive attitude.
Biblical submission does not mean, hiding who you are so that someone else can take over your life. It is not allowing bullies to rob and abuse you. It is not letting someone else living your life for you. It is not subordination, nor slavery. It is not placing someone over you in the place of God. It is said that Sarah called Abraham lord but it is a term of respect not of slavery.
The New Testament says in Ephesians 5:22 Submit to one another. To that Paul adds that wives are to submit to husbands, children obey their parents, and slaves obey their masters . Volitional submission is required from all Christians. Interestingly, the original Greek reads, “Wives to your own husband...” The verb understood from verse 21, rather than stated should be “Subjecting yourselves to one another, wives to your own husbands.” However most English translations do not show a connection between these two sentences. The pre-eminent New Testament concept of submission deals with mutual respect. It never conveys the loss of one's right to make choices. It’s a compatible rapport of interdependence with another person – one that promotes complimentary harmony, partnership, and admiration. Paul viewed marriage as a reciprocal proposal, “ONE TO ANOTHER,” and “in like manner,” which means a mutually loving sacrifice, not domestic tyranny. When submission is no longer voluntary then it becomes obedience – and that’s a different “word” entirely. God didn’t tell wives to “obey” anyone but God. Only children are to obey -- their parents. Married partners submit; -- that command is to submit to each other -- “as to the Lord.” 1Corinthians 7:4, John 13:34,
Because of misinterpretation and misapplication of scripture the church have taught in the past and some still do, that submission means the lack of opinion, the silence of opposition or difference and absence of debate. Mark 7:9 The New Testament does not teach this. The Unity of the Spirit is not something we arrive at because one person makes the decisions and the others follow. Ephesians 4, Phillipians 2:1-3 That is a kingdom or a fiefdom and that is not what New Testament submission means. We are all co-laborers and we all obey God, His Word and His Holy Spirit. When we elevate a person to be our "Boss" or our King we usurp God's position in our lives. This is idolatry. The purpose of submission is not for one person to be designated as superior “dictator and boss” with another as inferior. We are not to place anyone in the place of our only Lord, Jesus Christ. No husband, father, church leader or political leader deserves that place. We revere, worship and obey only One and that is God, through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are never to put ourselves in bondage to another human, but in genuine agape (God given sacrificial love) we submit to one another. 1 Peter 5:5, Galatians 5:1& 13, 1 Peter 2:16 & 18-19, Romans 12:5-17.
We have missed the full manifestation of the church of Jesus Christ because we cannot see the truth about submission. We cannot comprehend a true plurality of inter-submitted leadership and so go borrow the world's business model for church, at worst, or the Old Testament levitical system of priesthood, at best. We cannot function properly in the Kingdom of God without submission. Galatians 5:13, 1Corinthians 12:24-26, Ephesians 4, Titus1:5,
What happens when we misunderstand submission? We strip ourselves of our God-given role in His purpose and plan. Our submission to God gets sagwayed into submission to a man or ministry. We disobey God since we do not fulfill our destiny and His plan for our life. We enable the flesh of our "boss" in that they receive authority not given to them by God and so we partake of their downfall. Misunderstood submission has caused as much trouble in the church as domineering leaders have. Galatians 5:1, 1Corinthians 7:23, Romans 6,2 Peter 2:19
The Bible (John 13 :3-4) says that Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. It is when we are secure in our identity and purpose in God that we are at liberty to serve, and submit one to another.
Our vision to "Reconcile the World to the Lord Jesus Christ" has been growing with us through the years.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Marriage Vows by Marietjie Chase
Because we just celebrated our twenty third anniversary, because our oldest son (Steve's son from BC) is getting married this weekend and because I came across our wedding video this past Sunday and watched some of it, my mind has been on Marriage Vows. We were so young, so innocent. How little did we know. I can remember that I did not really care about what the preacher said or what the ceremony was like. I had a pretty dress and was getting married. I was in a hurry to start our life together.
This covenant is not only between husband and wife. It is also between husband, wife and God. And so the Bible says that a threefold cord is not easily broken. But this covenant is not only between husband, wife and God but also includes every child that is brought to life by this union. The generations to come will be blessed by those who keep covenant and will be cursed from those who break covenant.
The Bible says in Malachi that God hates divorce. There is few things that is put as plainly as this to tell us what God hates and abhores. It is clear that divorce can never be an option for those who seek to please God.
So in the light of all this would a marriage covenant, marriage vows that reads like this, be better?
Minister to both Groom and Bride: “Do you both promise to place God and His word first in your individual lives and in your marriage?”
Bride and Groom: “I do” and “I do”
Minister to the Groom: Do you,......, promise before God and all these witnesses, to take ,......, as your wife, to forsake your father and mother and cleave to her, to love her, to cherish her and to lay your life down for her, even as Jesus Christ gave Himself for the Church; for as long as you both shall live.”
Groom: “I do”
Minister to the Bride: “Do you, ....., promise before God and all these witnesses, to take, ......, as your husband, to honor him, to respect him, to adapt yourself to him and to submit to him even as the Church submit to Jesus Christ; for as long as you both shall live.”
Bride: “I do”
Maybe we can prevent some divorces by changing how the marriages start.

But with maturity comes understanding. I now understand that God takes vows serious, even if you take them in ignorance. He is a covenant keeping God. Remember the Gibeons that tricked Joshua into making a covenant with them and then Joshua did not keep the covenant. David, the man after God’s heart, later came and rectified this. The Bible says not to swear falsly and if you promised something, even if it is to your own hurt, that you should keep the promise. Marriage vows is a covenant.
This covenant is not only between husband and wife. It is also between husband, wife and God. And so the Bible says that a threefold cord is not easily broken. But this covenant is not only between husband, wife and God but also includes every child that is brought to life by this union. The generations to come will be blessed by those who keep covenant and will be cursed from those who break covenant.
The Bible says in Malachi that God hates divorce. There is few things that is put as plainly as this to tell us what God hates and abhores. It is clear that divorce can never be an option for those who seek to please God.
So in the light of all this would a marriage covenant, marriage vows that reads like this, be better?
Minister to both Groom and Bride: “Do you both promise to place God and His word first in your individual lives and in your marriage?”
Bride and Groom: “I do” and “I do”
Minister to the Groom: Do you,......, promise before God and all these witnesses, to take ,......, as your wife, to forsake your father and mother and cleave to her, to love her, to cherish her and to lay your life down for her, even as Jesus Christ gave Himself for the Church; for as long as you both shall live.”
Groom: “I do”
Minister to the Bride: “Do you, ....., promise before God and all these witnesses, to take, ......, as your husband, to honor him, to respect him, to adapt yourself to him and to submit to him even as the Church submit to Jesus Christ; for as long as you both shall live.”
Bride: “I do”
Maybe we can prevent some divorces by changing how the marriages start.
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