John 4 :23 God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. He seeks those who worship in spirit and in truth.The Bible says that God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. There is a time coming and already began that the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

There is something in the Presence of God... When we worship in truth and in spirit it brings the Presence of God. There is something that comes from true worship that brings me past the pain of my human experience. This is what caused John Huss to worship at the stake while the flames consumed his feet. This is what made martyrs embrace the lions, the guillotine, the axe, sword or firing squad. This is what brings worship into a prison while your legs and knees are broken or your back stripped of flesh. There is a reality that transcend this meager existence and it is accessible through worship - true worship. As it is in heaven it becomes on earth as we worship in spirit and in truth.
To be a worshipper in spirit involves the whole being. The movement of "air" -pneuma G - brings a picture of dancers and flags and banners. Spiritual worship involved our heart and desire, emotion and all that makes us who and what we are. " With all our might", "With all our heart" , "With everything that is in there." Ps 103
God is spirit. If we worship in spirit we "speak" a language He relates to. Spiritual worship enters into God's dimension. The opposite of "in Spirit" is flesh: "what can be stripped off". If flesh is defined as that which can be stripped off then what is spirit can be defined as " what cannot be stripped off". That which is eternal, that cannot fade away. So, a test to know if a thing pertains to flesh or spirit could be to ask the question: A thousand years from now, will this matter? God is spirit, God is love, God is eternal - so these are also without end or beginning for that matter, also without limits. As God is without limits, so are His attributes or environment.
In spirit... in His realm, in His matrix. To worship God effectively we must enter into who and what He is: Spirit. There is a desire to meet God in His realm - the spirit realm - since that is also where we are in communion with Him. Here we share sweet secrets and intimate knowledge.
But we must also worship in truth - althea G-. Worship in what is. The raw reality of where we are and what is real. What this says is that we have to find the balance in how to be spiritual without becoming "mind-over-matter" or floating balloons. There is a place where the hard reality and the fact is, where we have to present the truth. Here we have to ask as Pilate did: " What is truth?" What is and stays true in any matter of consideration? The opposite of feigned, fictitious and false is truth.
It is to be honest and live honestly. It is to have no hidden agenda's and motives. It is to be humble in facing the truth about ourselves and our behavior. It is to cling to that which is true in the face of voices and circumstances that breaks like waves of contradiction over us. It is in doing all to stand, holding on to the truth of the gospel and nothing else. Jesus said; " I am the Truth."
Only this kind of worship will lead to the kind of intimacy that breeds great faith. Only in spirit and in truth will we find true spiritual intercourse with Him from whom we receive our life.