This Thing Called Faith.
While praying for my brother I was talking to God about the covenant of our fathers and mothers and grandparents. Remembering my maternal grandmother's prayers in her last few years for each of her seven children, their spouses and children, as we shared a room and she presumed me asleep. I started telling God how I don't believe in the blessing from and of people anymore because of experience and history. From inside my spirit, His Spirit spoke, " Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Faith is conceived at intimacy with God. Great faith comes from great intimacy with God. Jesus knew this and as a man, He spend great amounts of time with God alone. You cannot be intimate, open and honest in trust with someone if the two of you are never together alone. David became the person he was because of the years alone with God behind the sheep.
I have to hear to see. Seeing is never a prerequisite of faith, but hearing is. Faith is a substance of things unseen, and if you believe you will see God. Seeing is revelation. Revelation is the result or outcome or culmination of faith not the cause of it. If we believe we will see. If we believe we will receive. If we believe we will....
Mystery is part of who God is. We can only know Him by revelation. Revelation comes from the Holy Spirit. There is NO revelation without the Holy Spirit and that requires faith. You have to faith it to let the Holy Spirit teach you.
Faith, believe, comes from hearing the living, "now" word of God. That is why Jesus said, "Those who have ears let them hear" and not those who have eyes let them see. With words God created the universe and with words we preach in such a way that people believe. Words, living words, "now" words, spoken in faith, which in turn brings revelation.
Faith comes from "hearing" not having heard. We need a fresh word. Jesus was constantly in communion with the Father. A fresh word from the Father infuse us with faith. - Faith is the currency of the Kingdom -
Seeking to see in order to believe is creating a horse-behind-the-cart situation. We walk by faith and not by sight 2 Cor 5 v 7. Faith comes from the Rhema - living, alive, spoken by a voice - Holy Spirit-inspired, word that has the power to create, by growing like a seed - the seed of Mark 4 and Luke 4. There is an internal faith that comes from hearing. This faith is the kind that grows inside of us and brings the God of Heaven here to the earth. True faith, authentic faith does come from hearing and it becomes an inward reality.
Untill now I believed that it was okay if people's faith comes from miracles, healings, signs and wonders but I now understand that this is why the multitude left Jesus. Their faith was a seeing faith. The substance was not there. Seeing faith is external faith. It is faith that you do not own. It makes people run from event to event, trying to see a new thing and basically being entertained. This kind of faith does not last. It has no more substance than the emotional high or low we get from a Holywood movie. It needs to be kept amazed and in wonder. It makes the poor pastor work hard to keep them interested and it gave birth to the "seeker sensitive" idea.
Those that have faith that comes by the living word of God, have an internal, lasting, growing faith. This is the kind of faith that is able to save, sanctify and reveal God to us and through us. This faith will transform our inward man daily untill we also glow with His Divine presence and carry with us the aroma that brings change.
Where I see no evidence in my experience or history of the value of human blessing... Where I saw the flaw of the human factor... Where people's blessing meant pain... God says, "Have faith, when there is no evidence that can be seen." Faith is the substance when the facts or history shows no substance. Have Faith!
While praying for my brother I was talking to God about the covenant of our fathers and mothers and grandparents. Remembering my maternal grandmother's prayers in her last few years for each of her seven children, their spouses and children, as we shared a room and she presumed me asleep. I started telling God how I don't believe in the blessing from and of people anymore because of experience and history. From inside my spirit, His Spirit spoke, " Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Faith is conceived at intimacy with God. Great faith comes from great intimacy with God. Jesus knew this and as a man, He spend great amounts of time with God alone. You cannot be intimate, open and honest in trust with someone if the two of you are never together alone. David became the person he was because of the years alone with God behind the sheep.
I have to hear to see. Seeing is never a prerequisite of faith, but hearing is. Faith is a substance of things unseen, and if you believe you will see God. Seeing is revelation. Revelation is the result or outcome or culmination of faith not the cause of it. If we believe we will see. If we believe we will receive. If we believe we will....
Mystery is part of who God is. We can only know Him by revelation. Revelation comes from the Holy Spirit. There is NO revelation without the Holy Spirit and that requires faith. You have to faith it to let the Holy Spirit teach you.
Faith, believe, comes from hearing the living, "now" word of God. That is why Jesus said, "Those who have ears let them hear" and not those who have eyes let them see. With words God created the universe and with words we preach in such a way that people believe. Words, living words, "now" words, spoken in faith, which in turn brings revelation.
Faith comes from "hearing" not having heard. We need a fresh word. Jesus was constantly in communion with the Father. A fresh word from the Father infuse us with faith. - Faith is the currency of the Kingdom -
Seeking to see in order to believe is creating a horse-behind-the-cart situation. We walk by faith and not by sight 2 Cor 5 v 7. Faith comes from the Rhema - living, alive, spoken by a voice - Holy Spirit-inspired, word that has the power to create, by growing like a seed - the seed of Mark 4 and Luke 4. There is an internal faith that comes from hearing. This faith is the kind that grows inside of us and brings the God of Heaven here to the earth. True faith, authentic faith does come from hearing and it becomes an inward reality.
Untill now I believed that it was okay if people's faith comes from miracles, healings, signs and wonders but I now understand that this is why the multitude left Jesus. Their faith was a seeing faith. The substance was not there. Seeing faith is external faith. It is faith that you do not own. It makes people run from event to event, trying to see a new thing and basically being entertained. This kind of faith does not last. It has no more substance than the emotional high or low we get from a Holywood movie. It needs to be kept amazed and in wonder. It makes the poor pastor work hard to keep them interested and it gave birth to the "seeker sensitive" idea.
Those that have faith that comes by the living word of God, have an internal, lasting, growing faith. This is the kind of faith that is able to save, sanctify and reveal God to us and through us. This faith will transform our inward man daily untill we also glow with His Divine presence and carry with us the aroma that brings change.
Where I see no evidence in my experience or history of the value of human blessing... Where I saw the flaw of the human factor... Where people's blessing meant pain... God says, "Have faith, when there is no evidence that can be seen." Faith is the substance when the facts or history shows no substance. Have Faith!