Only Believe.....
All that is required of us to be saved is to believe. We believe in the name of Jesus and we are born again. This is a reality as real as the sun that shine or the love in our hearts. No-one will argue with you if you say you are in love, lonely sad etc.... and just like that we are born again. And according to John 1 we are born into the family of God and become children of God and have a whole new future. All this blessings and inheritance because we believed.
For most people christian and non-christian this is not so far fetched anymore. "Believe" has became a term people can relate to. But now we have to go and look at the rest of the commission. Jesus did not only commission us to go and make disciples. He also said something will accompany those who believe.... Signs, wonders and miracles...
Somewhere else He said: this same things I do you will do and greater. What did Jesus do and say? Luke, who wrote both the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, said in the opening statement of Act: The former things I wrote about what Jesus of Nazareth both did and said. If your belief does not reach into your experience it is worth nothing. James wrote a letter about this. We are so familiar with it that we have lost the meaning of it. This was not and is not given so that we can have some doctrinal dispute about faith and works. We have to understand that faith has to affect our experience. Our behavior, our habits, our day to day, rubber meets the road has to be changed by what we believe or it is dead. It means absolutely nothing.
An experience without the faith is worthless as well, according to James. So it is when the two are well mixed that we get what Jesus had. He had faith in God and walked it out. Remember while walking on this earth He walked as man; filled, after His baptism, with the full measure of the Holy Spirit; but still as man. He modeled a way of life for us. He preached a message: The Kingdom of heaven is here! The Kingdom of God has come! Then He modelled what it looks like when the Kingdom is here. He brought Heaven to earth. The Kingdom of God is perfect and there is no death, decease, poverty and lack. This is what Jesus came to show us. And even more. There is a reality that supersedes the one we are in. There is another, matrix, another level of existence that faith in God and Jesus Christ is suppose to bring us into.
Most of us give lip-service to it and think that it is done. It is not done until it changes our reality. You can say that you believe Jesus heals the sick a million times while walking around with a cancer hanging of your ear. It means nothing until that thing falls off in the Name of Jesus. Now your faith has affected your experience. This is why so many people who dramatically were healed become healing evangelists. They now are convinced that faith in God heals the sick because they have experienced it.
Our Kingdom reality must change our way of life. Our belief must change our way of life. Driving for a year on one dollar of gas is possible if we are willing to live, and let God put us in the vice of living, between the prayer and the answer. There is a tension, most of us wants to avoid, when you step out in faith. We read and like to tell and study the history of the hero's of faith but what we miss in all the excitement, is the process.
Most of the people we venerate and esteem as great spiritual giants did not do any of this overnight. Most failed miserably for long periods of time but kept going until they experience that for which they had been arrested by God's Spirit. We cannot assume to come into their slip stream without at least having the same tenacity and fire in our bones.
"If you can believe," Jesus told the distraught father, "anything is possible for those who believe". We call ourselves Christians because we think that it defines us as disciples of Christ. Christians, the anointed ones, but what we ought to be are believers. "Those who believe" the scripture calls us over and over again. Called to believe... When the disciples asked Jesus: What must we do to do the works of God? He answered: Believe in God and in His Son whom He send.
That seem to be to easy. Well, do it then! Believe!
Believe that Jesus meant what He said, about Himself and about us: the ones who believe in Him. Believe that He said that whatsoever we ask in His name believing we shall receive. Believe that He said we can speak to the mountain... Believe that He will give you all things... Just believe!
But do not say that you believe and then your actions make you a liar. If you believe in Jesus like He said, rivers of living water will flow out of your inner most being and a multitude will come to you to quench their thirst. The multiplication of the five loaves and two fish seemed to be an important event in the gospels. It is recorded in all four. It is here where Jesus gave the disciples the opportunity to put faith in action. He looked up to heaven, broke the bread and fish and divided it among the disciples etc. What did Jesus do... He took the reality of the Kingdom and imported it into this life. He demonstrated the reality of Kingdom of Heaven here in this place.
As He is so are we in this world. As the head goes, so goes the body. We are to do likewise.
We are believers. All that is required of us is to believe and let the believe permeate our action, experience and life.
Mark 16:14-18, John 1:12, John 3:16, Rom 4:11, 1 Tim 1:16,
John 14 :12, Phil 3:12, Mark 9:23, John 6: 28-29,
1 Tim 6:17, John 4:10-11 & John 7:38,
Matt14, Mark6, Luke9 and John 9,
1John 4:17, Col 1:18, Col2:19
James 2