The WOW effect.

True worship makes people and angels fall down on the face because it brings the awe of God. It is the Wow effect. It is what leaves you speechless with only a cry coming from deep within that says: Holy! Holy! Holy!
There is just something in true worship that has the ability to transcend the pain of our human experience. It is this quality that had John Huss sing on the stake and other martyrs face the fire, the lions, the ax, the guiletine. the firing squad with joy and worship. It is this reality that brings worship into prisons despite the broken knees and legs and flesh-less backs.
True worship brings what is in Heaven into our earthly realm. True worship will go on forever and ever. In accessing this wow/awe effect we bring eternity into the here and now. We have this awesome reality available if we are willing to let go of religion, i o w right-and-wrong. Who really cares about all that when you are in the Presence of such greatness. The Awe/ Wow of His presence erases the crookedness in our inner being. It re-focuses our vision and transcend every weakness and limitation.
This is life everlasting. And it is accessible NOW!