Surrendering of All by Marietjie
Galatians 2:20 It is no longer I that live....
I have been crucified with Christ...
You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:3
My person - not my personality have died.
The "in Him" 's cannot be realized as long as we are still "alive" in our flesh. As long as I cling to my own person and will and rights, I am not buried 'in Him".
The"one another" 's will be almost an impossibility; unless we are satisfied with faking it; until we believe and live the "I am dead" revelation.
Those who are dead, empty of self, can be filled to overflowing with Him through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The indwelling of Christ brings with it a load of benefits: - The will of God, The power of God, The redemption of God, The purpose of God, The love of God, The grace of God, and all that is Jesus Christ to the point of this mortal body becoming quickened, made alive by the same power - the fullness of the Godhead.
The person is crucified with Christ. The personality is alive to God. The person with the sin, self and flesh.... The person of Jesus Christ was crucified and so were you and I. My personality, the way I am or my hard wire, is still living but now these members of mine that is on earth are only alive to God. My person is dead. Christ in you the hope of glory Col 1:27, 2:20
So how should we live then?? Collosians 2:6 As you have received Christ walk in Him. Walk by the Spirit of God. Be led by the Spirit of God instead of driven by our ambitions, traditions, insecurities, fears and self. Religious spirits are will-worship, self-worship. Those with a stronger, more stubborn, more tenacious will, is better at being religious than others. Let there be less of me and more of Him. Live every moment by His Spirit. Live by His anointing. " Whatever is not by the Anointing, the Spirit of God is Anti-Christ." Dale Frasier.
How do we live now? Col3 If we are raised with Christ... seek the things above... for you
died and your life has been hidden with Christ in God. If this is truly true, then I cannot go outside of Christ. Whatever I do outside of Christ, His Spirit, His anointing will accomplish death. There is only life inside of Christ. Like a child or person that is allergic to everything has to live in a plastic bubble, we also have our life inside our bubble. To go outside of our limit will not only cause us to loose "life" - zoe- but spread and proliferate death and darkness.
Put to death the parts, the members, the attachments that are on the earth - this temporal realm. Romans 6 shows us that we are dead to sin and should reckon ourselves to be dead. Romans 7 shows us that we are dead to the law, religion and it's will-worship but Romans 8 shows us the New Life in Christ Jesus that is now ours to manifest. Most of us has no problem with Romans 6. Although we still want to accomplish this for ourselves and so land squarely in Romans 7. From there the controversy about the interpretation of this chapter. Those who wants to live in Romans 7 will live in it - always trying but never overcoming, since the doing or trying to do the will of God and living the Christ-life in our own will and strength will always bring us to the point of crying out:" who will deliver me from this body of sin?!". Jesus has already done it.
Living by the law, tradition and religion is as much " death"( separation from God) as living in sin. It is only as we reckon ourselves dead... Paul said; in me, in my flesh, in my person, dwells no good thing.....only as we see ourselves dead can we take on the new life - this Christ Life. Only as we let go, can we enter.
God said in the beginning that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. There can be no cleaving without first a leaving. If we want to be one with Christ Jesus, if we want to cleave to Him, we have to leave sin, self and satan. (self = will-worship, religion, our own efforts)
Jesus said: "Take up your cross and follow me". What He was saying was: I am dying to myself. I am being killed in my person and do as I do. Come follow me to death to self. The Bible said that Jesus had no sin and that Satan had nothing in Him but He still had a self, a person and that is what we see in Gethsemane. " Not my will but Thine." And in Hebrews: " Though He was the Son, learned obedience by the things that He suffered." And Paul saying that he must fill up what was lacking in Christ's suffering. Christ's suffering for "self"s crucifixion He did for Himself and so must each of us. We must crucify ourselves and our own passions and desires, so that He may live in and through us. This suffering is the "cross" of each of us. "Death-to-self" we must do. How? By faith and grace,by giving over and giving up, by letting and let not, by the permission we give or not give.... let not sin dwell in you. Let love be multiplied...etc.
Put to death... This is my job and your job. God won't do it for us.
I am dead. You are dead. Our lives are hid with Christ in God!!
Galatians 2:20 It is no longer I that live....
I have been crucified with Christ...
You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:3
My person - not my personality have died.
The "in Him" 's cannot be realized as long as we are still "alive" in our flesh. As long as I cling to my own person and will and rights, I am not buried 'in Him".
The"one another" 's will be almost an impossibility; unless we are satisfied with faking it; until we believe and live the "I am dead" revelation.
Those who are dead, empty of self, can be filled to overflowing with Him through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The indwelling of Christ brings with it a load of benefits: - The will of God, The power of God, The redemption of God, The purpose of God, The love of God, The grace of God, and all that is Jesus Christ to the point of this mortal body becoming quickened, made alive by the same power - the fullness of the Godhead.
The person is crucified with Christ. The personality is alive to God. The person with the sin, self and flesh.... The person of Jesus Christ was crucified and so were you and I. My personality, the way I am or my hard wire, is still living but now these members of mine that is on earth are only alive to God. My person is dead. Christ in you the hope of glory Col 1:27, 2:20
So how should we live then?? Collosians 2:6 As you have received Christ walk in Him. Walk by the Spirit of God. Be led by the Spirit of God instead of driven by our ambitions, traditions, insecurities, fears and self. Religious spirits are will-worship, self-worship. Those with a stronger, more stubborn, more tenacious will, is better at being religious than others. Let there be less of me and more of Him. Live every moment by His Spirit. Live by His anointing. " Whatever is not by the Anointing, the Spirit of God is Anti-Christ." Dale Frasier.
How do we live now? Col3 If we are raised with Christ... seek the things above... for you

Put to death the parts, the members, the attachments that are on the earth - this temporal realm. Romans 6 shows us that we are dead to sin and should reckon ourselves to be dead. Romans 7 shows us that we are dead to the law, religion and it's will-worship but Romans 8 shows us the New Life in Christ Jesus that is now ours to manifest. Most of us has no problem with Romans 6. Although we still want to accomplish this for ourselves and so land squarely in Romans 7. From there the controversy about the interpretation of this chapter. Those who wants to live in Romans 7 will live in it - always trying but never overcoming, since the doing or trying to do the will of God and living the Christ-life in our own will and strength will always bring us to the point of crying out:" who will deliver me from this body of sin?!". Jesus has already done it.
Living by the law, tradition and religion is as much " death"( separation from God) as living in sin. It is only as we reckon ourselves dead... Paul said; in me, in my flesh, in my person, dwells no good thing.....only as we see ourselves dead can we take on the new life - this Christ Life. Only as we let go, can we enter.
God said in the beginning that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. There can be no cleaving without first a leaving. If we want to be one with Christ Jesus, if we want to cleave to Him, we have to leave sin, self and satan. (self = will-worship, religion, our own efforts)
Jesus said: "Take up your cross and follow me". What He was saying was: I am dying to myself. I am being killed in my person and do as I do. Come follow me to death to self. The Bible said that Jesus had no sin and that Satan had nothing in Him but He still had a self, a person and that is what we see in Gethsemane. " Not my will but Thine." And in Hebrews: " Though He was the Son, learned obedience by the things that He suffered." And Paul saying that he must fill up what was lacking in Christ's suffering. Christ's suffering for "self"s crucifixion He did for Himself and so must each of us. We must crucify ourselves and our own passions and desires, so that He may live in and through us. This suffering is the "cross" of each of us. "Death-to-self" we must do. How? By faith and grace,by giving over and giving up, by letting and let not, by the permission we give or not give.... let not sin dwell in you. Let love be multiplied...etc.
Put to death... This is my job and your job. God won't do it for us.
I am dead. You are dead. Our lives are hid with Christ in God!!