During the past six or so weeks I've been delving into the study of evil. Not because I have some macabre sense of curiosity but because I'm in a battle that is so clandestine and slippery that I get confused at times. When I was still in Africa, I remember the times we met with demon possessed people and how we dealt with that. Back then I read everything I could find on the subject in order to prepare for it. I feel once again that we are facing demonics. Only this time it is a slippery battle.
One of the almost dozen books I went through is M. Scott Peck's People of The Lie. He said that 'live' spelled backwards is 'evil' and that everything that is against life is evil. All that stifle, inhibit and stamp out life is evil. Now this reminded me that Jesus said in John 10: " I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." And somewhere else the Bible says that " in Him was life, and the life was the light of men." Mr. Peck also said that truly evil people like to "keep up appearances". Like the mother in "A Child Called It" who perpetrated amazing horrors against her son, yet wanted to look like a righteous good person. For this reason they like to hide in church.

Traditional church with it's sterile service on Sunday morning and fellowship with the back of some one's head is perfect. It looks good. Giving tithe and offerings and wearing the right - fake-smile and clothing, completes the act. Now all they do it snuggle up to the pastor with thick layers of flattery and the occasional "special" donation to the pastor and we have evil in the very fiber of the church. No wonder Paul writes to the Galatians about being "bewitched".
Listen to me. Listen to me. This is why most people resist the relational style of church. You cannot hide in it. It is pure and genuine. Every religious spirit, every evil spirit will be found out.

When we return to our roots, when we once again become the church of Jesus Christ instead of the edifices of men and demons, when we again put the Holy Spirit in His rightfull place, we will see the evil run from us like in the book of Acts. It is time to turn our back on all that is not born of God and embrace only the genuine article.
Let the church arise! Let the true Church Arise!!