This is my body and my blood...
I have been looking at the bread and the wine for a few weeks now. Daily there is some new insights.
The bread in I Cor 11 has also something to do with I Cor 10, Math 18 and Matt 5. I 've come to realize that the blood is our vertical relationship with God and all we are in Him and through Him and few has a problem with this.
The bread signifies our relationship with one another.
John 6. Jesus spoke of himself as bread from heaven that came down for us. He also said in John 12? that the grain of wheat have to fall in the ground and die... or be alone. Alone one grain of wheat means little. Together, crushed and made into a loaf of bread, we have significance. The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We cannot be the Body or Temple of God all by our lonesome. We need to become part of the greater Body of Christ to be this.
The bread part of communion, the eucharist, is where we slip up. Reading through 1 Cor 11 we can see that it is the "one another" part of it that Paul was most concerned about. The new covenant is a huge part, but without the "Body" part we are being deceived.
I looked up the portions of Ephesians that dealt with our behavior as relating to one another. It was about 50% of that letter. There were also 5 very important "one another" 's in there.
We can no longer relate to God as hermits, islands and logs pulled out of the fire. It is time to recognise the importance of "one another"
For those who'd like to study this:
Concider, Gideon's loaf, threshing floors, bread and body.
covenants, blood, sacrifices, testament and new wine.
I have been looking at the bread and the wine for a few weeks now. Daily there is some new insights.
The bread in I Cor 11 has also something to do with I Cor 10, Math 18 and Matt 5. I 've come to realize that the blood is our vertical relationship with God and all we are in Him and through Him and few has a problem with this.
The bread signifies our relationship with one another.
John 6. Jesus spoke of himself as bread from heaven that came down for us. He also said in John 12? that the grain of wheat have to fall in the ground and die... or be alone. Alone one grain of wheat means little. Together, crushed and made into a loaf of bread, we have significance. The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We cannot be the Body or Temple of God all by our lonesome. We need to become part of the greater Body of Christ to be this.
The bread part of communion, the eucharist, is where we slip up. Reading through 1 Cor 11 we can see that it is the "one another" part of it that Paul was most concerned about. The new covenant is a huge part, but without the "Body" part we are being deceived.
I looked up the portions of Ephesians that dealt with our behavior as relating to one another. It was about 50% of that letter. There were also 5 very important "one another" 's in there.
We can no longer relate to God as hermits, islands and logs pulled out of the fire. It is time to recognise the importance of "one another"
For those who'd like to study this:
Concider, Gideon's loaf, threshing floors, bread and body.
covenants, blood, sacrifices, testament and new wine.