Honor God...
As I read through I Samuel 24 [ It's the story where David, hiding in the back of a cave, has the opportunity to kill Saul but instead; cut Sauls mantle and repents afterward.] I noticed that the reason David could not kill Saul and repented for cutting his clothing had nothing to do with Saul or even the explosive relationship between David and Saul. Instead, David is lead by his relationship with God, Jehovah.
"I cannot touch the anointed of Jehovah", he said.
Have you ever experienced someone who has become your enemy by no fault of yours, yet is a bother or sister? Or even someone who's personallity grades on you like sandpaper, yet is obviously called and anointed of God? What do we do in these situations? The most popular solution the church in the West had till now, is to avoid such a person and move on. This must be one of the causes of the epidemic of church hopping in America. Being in the Kingdom of God; it is required that we deal with this. Our own rigidity and heartness of heart require that we be right but if we want to see the purposes of the Kingdom of God advange we need to take another look.
What did David do? He honored what was of God in the person. If all you can do is to love, respect and honor what you see is of God, then do that. I may think the person is a horses patutti but because he happens to be the President of the United States of America, I pay him due respect. It should not be that far fetched to respect and love someone who is part of the Kingdom of God because I love and honor and pursue God.
We used to sing a song in the early seventies: " I love you with the love of the Lord..., for see in you the Glory of the Lord.."
May we follow in King David's example and fear to disrespect God's anointed just because we are in relationship with such an awesome wonderful Father.
Isn't God just deeeeliscious.